w.b. jaarsets, fdc's, kleine collectie, iets buitenland etc. in o.a. insteekboeken en albums Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
en Indonesië collecties en iets voorraad meest */** t/m 1995 in 7 albums/insteekboeken Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
voorraad gestempeld en */** t/m 2000 w.b. jaarcollecties, kwitanties, automaatboekjes, modern gestempeld, afgeweekt etc. in 15 insteekboeken en doosjes in 2 verhuisdozen Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
en Indonesië fdc's vanaf 1956 en iets automaatboekjes in 13 albums Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
postzegelmapjes, postzegelboekjes, jaarsets, etc. en 6 albums/stockboeken Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
w.b. collectie Nederland 1960-1990 */** en Nederlandse Antillen 1982-1994 in 5 albums Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
w.b. ouder materiaal in 9 insteekboeken en schriftje Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
fdc's Nederland vanaf E9 (gelopen), fdc's Ned. Antillen, postukken, etc. in 4 albums en doosje Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
w.b. fdc's Nederland, postzegelboekjes, poststukken en iets diverse landen Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
w.b. kleine voorraad */**, gestempeld en iets buitenland in 10 albums/insteekboeken en rondzendboekjes Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |