ruim 200 post(waarde)stukken w.b. met port belast, raketpost, Coval-brief etc. Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
fdc's en iets postgeschiedenis omgeving Rotterdam (vanaf voorfilatelie) in 15 albums Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
fdc's vanaf E2 beschreven, kinderbedankkaarten en iets overige poststukken Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
meest ouder materiaal in o.a. insteekboeken en sigarendoosjes Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
en buitenland, poststukken meest na 1945 w.b. oudere fdc's Antillen, prentbriefkaarten etc. in doosje Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
gestempeld en */** w.b. tevens fdc's in 5 albums/insteekboeken Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
post(waarde)stukken Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
w.b. 2 collecties gestempeld, voorraad gestempeld en */** etc. in 17 albums/insteekboeken en zakje Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
collecties gestempeld en */** waarbij beter matriaal, iets nominaal en fdc's in 9 albums en insteekboeken Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |
voorraad tussen 1864-2017 meest gestempeld en iets */** w.b. fdc's, Antillen t/m 2000 etc. in 9 insteekboeken Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.
Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories |