liquidationslose - Stamp Auctions
Lot 10307 - liquidationslose togo - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1889 - 1900, small collection the forerunner issues with seven particular stamps, beautiful 17 pieces and two covers, as well amongst other things Michel-no. V40, V41b, V42 c in the pair and Michel-no. 44 b always signed Eibenstein BPP (partly small faul ts), four values Michel-no. 37 e (three times on PA pieces), piece with five and strip of three Michel-no. V 48d, Michel-no. 49 b on piece and horizontal pair Michel-no. V 50a (signed twice Eibenstein BPP), almost all values signed Eibenstein BPP, condit ion from defective till in perfect condition, clean mounted on pages. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose togo |
Lot 10323 - liquidationslose sbz/ddr - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1945 - 1951, mainly unhinged mint inventory, as well good issues double overprints, inverted overprints, printers mark, printers mark, multiples etc., in the box Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose sbz/ddr |
Lot 10270 - liquidationslose deutsche kolonien und auslandspostämter - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 German post offices in China till Togo, interesting doublets lot in the stock book, some bags, stock cards and old approval books, as well many nice pieces, interesting stamp including ship¦s mail and so on, high catalog value! Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose deutsche kolonien und auslandspostämter |
Lot 10286 - liquidationslose deutsch-ostafrika - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1893 - 1916, in the number of a major listing more then complete, mostly unused and cancelled collection (in part double collected) with some colours, beautiful pieces and mostly unused multiples, as well a few special feature with amongst other things c ruiser Königsberg issue with two horizontal pairs 5 Pfg. Germania, single value 5 Pfg. and horizontal pair 10 Pfg. Germania (unsigned and defective 3 Pfg. not calculated), three unused covers with advance franking postmarks, some bank notes and so on, al l mounted on pages. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose deutsch-ostafrika |
Lot 10265 - liquidationslose iii. reich - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1941, Hitler, unhinged mint lot sheet provenance 15 - 80 Pfg. in different quantities (Michel. No. provenance 789 - 798) Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose iii. reich |
Lot 10281 - liquidationslose Deutsche Post in der Türkei Stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1885 - 1917, small stamp collection from Beirut till Smyrna with 17 pieces, three particular stamps and three documents with postmarks the military mission, clean mounted on pages Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose Deutsche Post in der Türkei Stempel |
Lot 10260 - liquidationslose fundgruben - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 Complete untreated doublets stock one larger delivery, as well stockbooks, old parts of collections in printed form albums, the partial plundered were, a rich in substance Croatia collection, a little kilo ware and single stamps, partly presorted in clea r plastic folder, envelopes and small bags, 2 Letter-albums with mainly USA, the year sets of Switzerland from 1986 - 1995 complete with the mint never hinged stamps, a souvenir sheet inventory from approximate 50 resistance fighters souvenir sheets, par tly still factory packaging, as well various, all clean in 2 large boxes accommodated. A genuine treasure hunter lot! Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose fundgruben |
Lot 10276 - liquidationslose Deutsche Post in China Stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1888 - 1917, interesting stamp collection on 16 particular stamps, 80 pieces and 17 covers / cards including some duplicates, forerunner, train and ship¦s mail as well some War data, as well amongst other things "AMOI" on unmounted stamp, rectangle cance l "HANKAU" on unmounted stamp and Chinese rectangle cancel dateless on piece, "SHANGHAI KDPAg 1892" on printed matter envelope with 5 Pfg. to Cairo", "TONKO DP" (Wood stamp) on later labelled postal stationery postcard, "TSCHINGTSCHOUFU (CHINA) " on pack age cards-letter piece, "Beijing DP" (soft wood stamp) on fieldpost letter, nine stamps / pieces with War data, Michel-no. 3 II with stamp WILHELMSHAFEN and ship¦s mail with amongst other things two pieces with "DSP YANGTSE-LINE a" respectively "DSP YANG TSE-LINE d", all clean mounted on pages. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose Deutsche Post in China Stempel |
Lot 10271 - liquidationslose deutsche kolonien und auslandspostämter - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1898 - 1913, lot with approximate 35 covers, cards and postal stationeries as well face of cover DSWA ship¦s mail with registration label "from foreign countries over. . . ", as well registered covers, single- and multiple franking, interesting stamp, mu ch post from DNG and Western Caroline Islands, and so on, mostly good condition Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose deutsche kolonien und auslandspostämter |
Lot 10287 - liquidationslose deutsch-ostafrika stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1891 - 1917, stamp collection from Amani till Wuguri including train and ship¦s mail as well some cancellations from the wartime on approximate 35 particular stamps and over 90 beautiful pieces as well two documents, as well better places mostly on parti cular stamps with amongst other things "KISSENJI", "MUSOMA", "MUHAJA", "SALALE", "UMBULU" and "UTETE" as well a few good stamp on Briestücken with amongst other things "MARANGU" and "MKALAMA" as well over 20 cancellations from the wartime, all mounted on pages. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose deutsch-ostafrika stempel |