Deutsche Post in China Stempel - Stamp Auctions
Lot 10276 - liquidationslose Deutsche Post in China Stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1888 - 1917, interesting stamp collection on 16 particular stamps, 80 pieces and 17 covers / cards including some duplicates, forerunner, train and ship¦s mail as well some War data, as well amongst other things "AMOI" on unmounted stamp, rectangle cance l "HANKAU" on unmounted stamp and Chinese rectangle cancel dateless on piece, "SHANGHAI KDPAg 1892" on printed matter envelope with 5 Pfg. to Cairo", "TONKO DP" (Wood stamp) on later labelled postal stationery postcard, "TSCHINGTSCHOUFU (CHINA) " on pack age cards-letter piece, "Beijing DP" (soft wood stamp) on fieldpost letter, nine stamps / pieces with War data, Michel-no. 3 II with stamp WILHELMSHAFEN and ship¦s mail with amongst other things two pieces with "DSP YANGTSE-LINE a" respectively "DSP YANG TSE-LINE d", all clean mounted on pages. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose Deutsche Post in China Stempel |
Lot 8734 - deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 CHIN WANG TOA DP, good partial cancel on money order piece with 5 Pfg. Reichspost overprint issue (glued close to the edge), stamp with additional line cancellation Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel |
Lot 8735 - deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 German camp SHANGHAI, additional cancellation clear on picture postcard with 5 Pfg. Reichspost overprint issue from SHANGHAI DP *b 6. 7. 02 in the local usage, card with corner crease, otherwise very fine Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel |
Lot 8736 - deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 Beijing DP, hardwood cancel clear on old Chinese postal stationery postcard (form) as fieldpost card with a lot of text to Gladenbach with arrival postmark, small transport traces Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel |
Lot 4487 - deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 CHIN WANG Grey Tinamou DP dateless and additional blue pencil line on 1 M. Reichspost, in perfect condition, rare stamp, the only from 1. 12. 1901 till 30. 1. 1902 in use was Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel |
Lot 4488 - deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 NANKING on cover with single franking Michel-no. 40 to the treasurer the German-Asian society in Potsdam, via Siberia. Study group 75,-- Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel |
Lot 4489 - deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 TSCHINGWANGTAU + 04, always S.O.T.N on two times 5 Pf, 10 and 20 Pf. Reichspost Germania on folded registered cover (folded, flap cut in, without registration label) to Tientsin with arrival postmark Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel |
Lot 4490 - deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 TSCHOUTSUN DP 15 / 3. 04, S.O.T.N on cover 10 Pf. Reichspost Germania to Tsingtau with arrival postmark Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel |
Lot 2928 - deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #157 DSP east Asian Head line. . . 8. 00, a little blurred on picture postcard with 5 Pfg Reichspost via Hong Kong to Europe, there with forwardings Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #157deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel |
Lot 2913 - deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #157 ITSCHANG 4 1 04 centered on 30 Pf. Reichspost Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #157deutsche kolonien und auslandspost Deutsche Post in China Stempel |