jewish colonies - Stamp Auctions
Lot 37 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #5224.2.1915 USA 1c imptd pc uprated w/1c stp mailed Newark - N. J. to Agronom Uria Feldman, Turk. Beirut censor cachet on face, pc addressed to him c/o "Agudat Netaim", of which he was the manager, in Sedjera (Tiberiade crossed out); folded both ways, complete, fine Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52jewish colonies |
Lot 21 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #529/1921 original photo Mikveh Israel - agriculture lesson, caption in Hebrew in the film, 15x11cm mounted on card; light rubbing in places, fine Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52jewish colonies |
Lot 32 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52RISCHON LE ZION Bei Jaffa Palestina Durch Deutsche Post (St. 247) full cachet in Violet on pc to D. Idelovich in Alexandria, imptd 20pa stp pmkd JAFFA DEUT. POST 28.1.08, message in Hebrew; vf Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52jewish colonies |
Lot 27 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52Colony Rehoboth - 21.1.1903 Austrian Levant 20 para imptd pc to Berlin, message in Hebrew by Israel Teller, 1st Aliyah author and teacher in the Colony. Written in "REHOBOT Be'eretz Hakodesh (in the Holy Land)", via Austrian Post "JAFFA OESTERR... POST" ( St.525 pmk), Berlin arrival pmk 30.1.1903; vf & scarce Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52jewish colonies |
Lot 38 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52Rarity: Colony YEHUD - 11.4.1889 Austrian Imptd 20 para pc sent by Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Jaffe in the Jewish Colony of Yehud, near Petah Tikva. This was one of the first Jewish Colonies to be established in Palestine, in 1882, abandoned in 1893. Message in Hebrew, written in Yehud (top left, in Hebrew, along with date) requesting Dr. Rabbi Berliner to send books, which were pre-paid, to Mr. Lewi in Jaffa "for Rabbi M. G. Jaffe in Yehud", via JAFFA, Austrian Post (St. 523), arrival Berlin 20/4 on face. This is the only item known to us from this tiny (6 houses) and short-lived Jewish Colony; vf Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52jewish colonies |
Lot 22 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52Milhamiya - ex Yakaterinoslav 4.8.1905 3Kp imptd Russian pc w/1Kp stp added for mailing abroad, via Odessa 6.8 & ROPIT KONSTPEL 11.8.905. Message in Hebrew by David Rudin to Ch. Shoham informing that a group of Chalutzim is coming to the Colony and requesting not to hire Arab workers until the group arrives; vert centerfold & other light faults, fine & v. scarce Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52jewish colonies |
Lot 33 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52LATVIA (Libau) to Rischon-le-Zion via Odessa 19-4-12 ppc message by ill daughter to parents, in Hebrew, arrival pmk is unusual ROPIT JAFFA 4 V 1912 not the regular Turk. Post; vf Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52jewish colonies |
Lot 28 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52"RISCHON le Sion pres Jaffa - 28 OCT 97" message in French mailed to Belfort - France, scarce destination from RLZ, a Rare ppc Heinrich Loewe - Jatfa edit. showing views of Rishon, Rechob. & Jaffa frank 20pa on 5Kr cancelled JAFFA OSTERR. POST 29 10 97 (St. 524) arrival 8 NOV 97; closed tear top left o/w vf & early Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52jewish colonies |
Lot 23 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52Petah Tiqva via Jaffa Suk - 29 Mai 1901 imptd 20pa pc written in Petah Tikwah cancelled "JAFFA SUK" (PM9), message by S. Lifschitz in French requesting a priced catalogue for grains, mailed to Paris, Galata - Depart 11.6.1901 transit; vf, Very Rare pmk on outgoing colony's mail Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52jewish colonies |
Lot 39 - jewish colonies - Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #521885 (Sept. 28) early 5sld imptd pc written in Zichron Jacob by Abramovici to Machanek in Wien via Port Said 2 OC 85, imptd stp pmkd CAIFA (St. 503) 30 9 85, no post office yet in Zichron; vf & Rare Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd. Auction #52jewish colonies |