the "deep freeze" collection - Stamp Auctions

Lot 131 - the

Lot 131 - the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues - Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

Miscellaneous Group, #26- 14 copies in blocks, #65- two blocks of 4, these stuck down but a few nice, #340- 15 copies stuck down or no gum, #314- 4 plate blocks of 10 stuck down, #339 6 copies no gum, fine to very fine.
Scott $5,500 as n.h.

Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues
Lot 147 - the

Lot 147 - the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues - Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

1917, 2¢ deep rose, type Ia, sheet of 100 minus top Pl. Blk., hence block of 94, approximately 39 n.h., 55 affected, fine to very fine (Scott 500).
Scott $52,750 as n.h.

Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues
Lot 163 - the

Lot 163 - the "deep freeze" collection u.s. back-of-the-book issues and balances - Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

Postage Due, 1914, 1¢ carmine lake, complete sheet of 100, approximately 80% n.h., 20% affected, fine to very fine (Scott J52).
Scott $26,580 as n.h.

Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

the "deep freeze" collection u.s. back-of-the-book issues and balances
Lot 142 - the

Lot 142 - the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues - Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

1916, 5¢ carmine single error, complete sheet of 100 at top right, n.h. except for about 10 stamps at bottom, very fine (Scott 467, 463).
Scott $2,500 as n.h.

Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues
Lot 158 - the

Lot 158 - the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues - Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

1923, 4¢ yellow brown, top plate block of 30, top 8 stamps n.h., rest affected, also block of 59 with top and side plate blocks, most stamps affected with top plate n.h. but wrinkle, fine to very fine (Scott 556).
Scott $3,680 as n.h.

Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues
Lot 174 - the

Lot 174 - the "deep freeze" collection u.s. back-of-the-book issues and balances - Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

The Remainder of the Face Material, a carton full of glassines and sheet folders, partially or all affected. Originally n.h. but sometimes in bricks. Enjoy yourself.
Scott $2,700 face.

Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

the "deep freeze" collection u.s. back-of-the-book issues and balances
Lot 137 - the

Lot 137 - the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues - Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

1895, 1¢ blue, complete sheet of 100, about 75% n.h., 25% affected; major separations even affecting plate blocks, fine to very fine (Scott 264).
Scott $2,000 as n.h. (pl. blks. l.h.).

Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues
Lot 153 - the

Lot 153 - the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues - Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

1919, 1¢ gray green Offset, perf 12½, complete sheet of 100, approximately 50% n.h., 50% affected, fine to very fine (Scott 536).
Scott $4,760 as n.h.

Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues
Lot 169 - the

Lot 169 - the "deep freeze" collection u.s. back-of-the-book issues and balances - Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

Postage Due, 1930, 5¢ carmine, block of 63, 45 copies pristine n.h., 18 copies affected, fine to very fine (Scott J73).
Scott $2,677 as n.h.

Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

the "deep freeze" collection u.s. back-of-the-book issues and balances
Lot 132 - the

Lot 132 - the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues - Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

1867, 10¢ green, E. grill, SE copy stuck to piece, faint soiling, fine (Scott 89).
Scott $5,250 as o.g.

Harmers International, Inc. U.S. and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Forgeries, Collections and Literature

the "deep freeze" collection u.s. regular issues