Definitives values with no control figues, including 10 pesetas m.m. (8) Cat £94 {MH} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £28.00)
Andorra 1935-42 |
Balance collection of mint Andorra issues on 5 hagners including some Europa issues. {MH} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £20.80)
Andorra 1936-2000 |
Definitives set to 1p35c m.m. (11 of 13) Cat £167 {MH} [US6] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £20.00)
Andorra 1948-53 |
1931-1987 and Spanish Andorra collection 1928-1984 mostly **/* including better items (Nos. 22, 23 and postage due 15 signed Calves) in Davo album
Andorra French-Andorra |
1931/2002, anfangs gestempelte, später zunehmend postfrische Sammlung, in den Hauptnummern bis auf wenige Werte kpl. inkl. Mi.-Nr. 1-23, meist gute Erhaltung
europe Andorra |
1845/1955 (ca.), unused and used specialized old collection with perforations, imperfs, varieties, die proofs, Mi. 37A, A41, letters, cards and maximum cards. Very interesting.
europe Andorra |
ANDORRA: ANDORRA FRANCESA. SERIE COMPLETA. 23 valores. Valores clave bien centrados. Yv.1/23. Cat. 2.710€.
french colonies Andorra |
LOTES y COLECCIONES. 1932-50. ANDORRA FRANCESA. PRUEBAS DE LUJO. Conjunto de 80 pruebas de diversas series (no forman series completas).
french colonies Andorra |
Definitives values with no control figues, including 10 pesetas m.m. (8) Cat £94 {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £32.00)
Andorra 1935-42 |
Balance collection of mint Andorra issues on 5 hagners including some Europa issues. {MH} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £24.00)
Andorra 1936-2000 |