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50lep./40lep. in B4 with 11½ perforation (pos.93/94,103/104) with wide and narrow "0" and space 1½ mm. on pos.103/104, u. VF (Hellas 162+162A+162a+162Aa)
50lep./2Drs with wide "O", m. VF (Hellas 167a)
5lep./1Dr. with Gothic "M", m. VF (Hellas 165b)
3Drs/10lep. with double 11½ perforation and space 1½mm. m. Light thin but R! (Hellas 163avar)
1 Dr./5 Drs. "First Olympics AM Surcharges", u. Dot after "Δ" at "ΔΡΑΧΜΗ". VF (Hellas168var)
5lep./1Dr. with Gothic "M" lower (pos.52), m. VF (Hellas 165cm)
5 Drs./40 lep. (pos.146) with perf. 11½ and space 3½ mm. Trace of hinge. VF (Hellas 164c)
2Drs/10Drs with "ΔΡΔΧΜΑΙ", m. VF (Hellas 169a)
40lep./2lep. in pair with 11½ perforation, u/m. VF (Hellas 161)
5lep./1Dr. with Gothic "Λ" (pos.35), m. VF (Hellas 165h)