kamerun - Stamp Auctions
Lot 5233 - kamerun Briefe Posten - Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 41936-69: Valuable lot - Cover from 1936 with the cancel 'VICTORIA-CAMEROONS 16 NO 36 BRITISH MANDATE'; two different covers from 1940, one surcharged '+5 SPITFIRE' the other with 'SPITFIRE +10Fr. Général de GAULLE' (Mi 211-214, 220-221). There is also one cover with a 3d GB franking from British troops in Cameroon, and five covers with the 'CAMEROONS U.K.T.T' overprint on Nigeria, including a registered airmail cover to London with 2'6 and 1 £ stamps. The lot features also eight covers franked with the Sterling currency surcharge stamps from the 1961 issue, including one antedated FDC, and four FDCs from 1962 of the Ahidjo/Foncha set with Sterling surcharge, there are three FDCs from the set without surcharge. Two covers commemorate the 1969 moon landing, one with all 7 stamps, and the other with 3 stamps (not priced for used in the Michel catalogue!). Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 4kamerun Briefe Posten |
Lot 5227 - kamerun sammlungen - Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 41915/1962: A collection of early Cameroon stamps from the period of French occupation, featuring many premium stamps, often with varieties such as 'without overprint,' 'inverted overprint,' and 'imperforate', among others. The collection spans the French mandate period and includes varieties from the Second World War era. It comprises both used and unused stamps, with many of the premium stamps being signed. Additionally, there is one stock book containing stamps in blocks, luxury proofs, and colour proofs, including the 1962 issue commemorating reunification. The collection has a very high catalogue value. Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 4kamerun sammlungen |
Lot 5228 - kamerun sammlungen - Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 41961: West Cameroon - A collection of the provisional issue, including Sterling overprints on stamps in CFA currency on letters and pieces. The collection includes the Ahidjo/Foncha surcharge set of three values, represented by a used set and a first day cover. There is also a local commercial letter with the 3d on 20F stamp, noted for its rarity. One page displays four different surcharges as proofs, each in a block of four. Additionally, the collection contains four covers from British Troops in 1961, aimed at stabilizing the region, along with covers from the KG V and KG VI periods that document the British Mandate. It also covers the period of the British Trusteeship in Cameroon, the name change to 'Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration', and the integration of West Cameroon into the independent Republic of Cameroon. The collection further includes examples of the late usage of cancels and the shift from exclusively French-inscribed to bilingual stamps of Cameroon. This assembly provides a comprehensive overview of postal and political history. (Note for accuracy: Several specialized pages of Nigerian stamps have been retained in the same folder). Three covers have been added but not mounted on pages. Two of them contain, among other stamps, an over-complete set of the Ahidjo/Foncha surcharge. The third is a first day cover of the reunification set, unsurcharged in French currency. Additionally, the collection includes a set of documents related to the Southern Cameroons plebiscite, featuring 'Appointment of Counting Agent', 'Appointment of Polling Officer', 'Appointment of Polling Marshal', and 'Appointment of Presiding Officer'. The set also contains a brochure explaining the alternatives a photograph showing the results of the plebiscite on a billboard, along with a copy of the official results, presumably very unusual. Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 4kamerun sammlungen |
Lot 5229 - kamerun sammlungen - Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 41961/62: Federal Republic of Cameroon: A fine accumulation on stock book pages, featuring a good range of unused and used stamps with surcharges in British currency. This collection also includes two complete sheets, one at 5/- and the other at 10/-, both never hinged. Additionally, it features the issue of reunification in French Francs and the scarce surcharge issue in English currency on French denominations, with several regular unused unmounted and used sets, a used set on piece, and two imperforate sets. Furthermore, there is a fine selection of the issue for Southern Cameroons in a similar presentation. An interesting lot for specialists! Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 4kamerun sammlungen |
Lot 5230 - kamerun sammlungen - Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 41961-2011: Fine and well-balanced stock compiled in two large stock books, with unused and used stamps separately classified. This collection features many hard-to-find modern issues from around 2010, including varieties and topical themes. A third stock book is dedicated to souvenir sheets. Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 4kamerun sammlungen |
Lot 5232 - kamerun Briefe Posten - Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 41910/62ca: Accumulation of covers in two large file folders, roughly presorted, with the great majority consisting of items franked with Nigerian stamps used in the British Cameroons, some are from the overprinted issue for the Cameroons. The towns are sorted alphabetically, and the collection comprises apparently exclusively commercial mail, including some from Bible circles, etc., addressed to various destinations. This intriguing lot of about 320 items gives the impression that it was planned for exhibition. The describer considers this an excellent opportunity to document a part of the history from the colony to the decolonization. Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 4kamerun Briefe Posten |
Lot 5188 - kamerun ganzsachen - Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 41908: Yacht, 3 pf. brown, private picture postcard, two unused and one used example, presented upon an album page. The used example sent from Duala to Rombach, Lothringen (now in France), dated 24 July 1908. The photo to front features two "black beauties". A fine group (3). The unused being rare. The Afrika 2007 catalogue states they are unknown. Unpriced in Michel (PP3). Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan & Worldwide Postal History - Day 4kamerun ganzsachen |
Lot 3404 - Auslandspostämter und Kolonien kamerun - Peter Harlos Auctions 46. Harlos AuktionBritische Besetzung: 1/2 d. auf 3 Pf. Schiffsausgabe mit deutschem Stempel Duala (Kamerun) b 25.11.15 auf C 154-Formular nach Lome / Togo, Bedarf Peter Harlos Auctions 46. Harlos AuktionAuslandspostämter und Kolonien kamerun |
Lot 3405 - Auslandspostämter und Kolonien kamerun - Peter Harlos Auctions 46. Harlos AuktionBritische Besetzung: 1/2 d. auf 3 Pf. Schiffsausgabe mit deutschem Stempel Duala (Kamerun) b 25.11.15 auf Ansichtskarte nach Lome / Togo, Bedarf Peter Harlos Auctions 46. Harlos AuktionAuslandspostämter und Kolonien kamerun |
Lot 3400 - Auslandspostämter und Kolonien kamerun - Peter Harlos Auctions 46. Harlos AuktionBahnpoststempel Bonaberi - Nkongsamba Z. 2 (mit Füllblock) 23.3.14, auf Ansichtskarte "Eisenbahnbrücke über den Nordarm des Sanaga bei Edea, Kamerun", Frankatur 5 Pf., nach Potsdam, nachgesandt nach Pleschen, Bedarf Peter Harlos Auctions 46. Harlos AuktionAuslandspostämter und Kolonien kamerun |