Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates - Stamp Auctions

Lot 2107 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates  -  Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Lot 2107 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates - Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

FILIPINAS. (1803 ca.). Envuelta circulada a ASTORGA (España). Marca lineal FILIPINAS y porteo 9.V. (9 reales de vellón), a la llegada la carta fue tasada con 14 reales. Manuscrito ´Fragta. Rey Carlos´. MAGNÍFICA y MUY RARA, solo dos cartas conocidas con este porteo.

Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates
Price: € 2,500.00
Lot 2102 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates  -  Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Lot 2102 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates - Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

FILIPINAS. 1853. CÁDIZ a MANILA. Envuelta circulada por el correo español, manuscrito ´Gral. Churruca´ , fechador de salida de Cádiz y tasada a la llegada con 4 (reales). Muy rara marca de tasa.

Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates
Price: € 300.00
Lot 2118 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates  -  Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Lot 2118 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates - Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

FILIPINAS. 1860. MANILA a BOSTON (U.S.A.). Envuelta de carta encaminada hasta Hong Kong, marca RUSSELL & STURGUIS en rojo. Circulada vía Suez y Marsella y tasada a la llegada con 45 cents. y 24 cents.

Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates
Price: € 400.00
Lot 2097 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates  -  Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Lot 2097 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates - Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

FILIPINAS. 1858. LONDRES a MANILA. Carta completa con texto (frágil) con erosiones del papel producidas por oxidación de la tinta circulada vía Marsella y por el correo británico hasta Hong Kong y Manila, tasada a la llegada con 3 (reales).

Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates
Price: € 200.00
Lot 2113 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates  -  Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Lot 2113 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates - Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

FILIPINAS. 1834 (26 octubre). SALEM (U.S.A.) a BATAVIA. Carta completa con texto. Marca de Encaminador FORWD. BY/PEECE WABBELLS & CO./MANILA. Excepcional trayecto hasta Java vía Manila. RARÍSIMA.

Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates
Price: € 1,500.00
Lot 2108 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates  -  Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Lot 2108 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates - Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

FILIPINAS. 1853. MADRID a MANILA. Carta completa con texto fechador de salida de Madrid y tasada a la llegada con 9 (reales) al dorso fechador de llegada a Manila. Rara marca de tasa.

Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates
Price: € 250.00
Lot 2103 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates  -  Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Lot 2103 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates - Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

FILIPINAS. 1868. ST. GALLEN (Suiza) a MANILA. Envuelta (sin las solapas laterales) circulada con 3 sellos de 1 Fr. bronce dorado, vía Marsella y por el correo británico hasta Manila, tasada a la llegada con 4 (reales) al dorso tránsitos y llegada. Muy rara tasa y destinación.

Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates
Price: € 2,000.00
Lot 2119 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates  -  Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Lot 2119 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates - Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

FILIPINAS. 1867. MANILA a FRANCIA. Carta completa con texto, encaminada hasta Singapur, marcas en el frente de RUSSELL & STURGIS y al dorso BEHN MEYER & CO./SINGAPORE donde fue depositada al correo. RARA.

Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates
Price: € 300.00
Lot 2098 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates  -  Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Lot 2098 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates - Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

FILIPINAS. 1861. MARSELLA a MANILA. Envuelta circulada por el correo británico vía Suez y Hong Kong, tasada a la llegada con 3 (reales) marca P.P. (porte parcial pagado) y llegada al dorso.

Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates
Price: € 250.00
Lot 2114 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates  -  Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Lot 2114 - Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates - Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

FILIPINAS. 1843. MANILA a CÁDIZ (España). Carta completa con texto. Encaminada hasta Singapur donde se depositó en el correo británico y circuló vía India, Suez, Malta y Gibraltar donde fue encaminada por J.M. Montero a Cádiz, tarifa manuscrita ´1 sh., 12 d.´. MUY RARA.

Soler Y Llach B.P.O. Abroad, Philippines Postal Rates and 1880-1899 period and Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico Postal Stationery

Forwarding Agents and Postal Rates
Price: € 500.00