serbia - stamps and postal history - Stamp Auctions

Lot 305 - serbia - stamps and postal history  -  SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

Lot 305 - serbia - stamps and postal history - SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

1911. Trojicki sabor 25 p, tabacic od 25 maraka sa sitnijim tipicnim greškama u pretisku, sa žigom Beograda.
1911 Journalists' Meeting 25 p, sheet of 25 stamps with small typical overprint errors, Belgrade cancel.

SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

serbia - stamps and postal history
Lot 79 - serbia - stamps and postal history  -  SFK Auctions Public auction #40 on

Lot 79 - serbia - stamps and postal history - SFK Auctions Public auction #40 on

1868. Mihailo 2 x 40 p horizontalni par II beogradsko štampanje na obicnom papiru, desna marka sa tipicnom greškom " beli kružic desno od vladarevog lika ", kompletna originalna guma dobrog kvaliteta, veoma retko.
1867 Mihailo 2x40 p horizontal pair 2nd Belgrade printing on ordinary paper, right stamp with typical error 'white circle right from Prince's portrait', complete original gum fine, very rare.

SFK Auctions Public auction #40 on

serbia - stamps and postal history
Lot 252 - serbia - stamps and postal history  -  SFK Auctions Public auction #40 on

Lot 252 - serbia - stamps and postal history - SFK Auctions Public auction #40 on

1911. Trojicki sabor 15 p horizontalni par, leva marka sa OBRNUTIM PRETISKOM, atraktivno i retko, atest Velickovic.
1911 "Journalists' Meeting" 15 p horizontal pair, left stamp with INVERTED OVERPRINT, attractive and rare, certificate Velickovic.

SFK Auctions Public auction #40 on

serbia - stamps and postal history
Lot 211 - serbia - stamps and postal history  -  SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

Lot 211 - serbia - stamps and postal history - SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

1903. Probni otisak vrednosti od 50 para u crnoj boji, na kartonu, prvo bez lika kralja Aleksandra, naknadno dodat od autora u sredipnji deo otisaka samo lika, štampan u konacno usvojenom nacrtu ( gravura br. 4 ). Jedini poznati primerak.
1903 Printing proof 50 p in black, on cardboard, without King Aleksandar's portrait, additionally stuck by author into middle part only king's imprint in oval, printed in finally adopted design (engraving no 4). The only known item.

SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

serbia - stamps and postal history
Lot 423 - serbia - stamps and postal history  -  SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

Lot 423 - serbia - stamps and postal history - SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

1894. Pozivnica u obliku trodelnog pisma za igranku kola jahaca " Knez Mihailo " u KRUŠEVCU, atraktivno i retko.
1894 Invitation as three-part letter for dancing party Jockeys' club "Prince Mihailo" in KRUSEVAC, attractive and rare.

SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

serbia - stamps and postal history
Lot 227 - serbia - stamps and postal history  -  SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

Lot 227 - serbia - stamps and postal history - SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

1903. Aleksandar 3 d pomocno izd. sa pretiskom grba preko kraljevog lika u retkom cešljastom 13 1/3 zupcanju.
1903 Aleksandar 3 d provisional issue with coat of arms overprint over King's portrait in rare comb perforation 13 1/2.

SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

serbia - stamps and postal history
Lot 146 - serbia - stamps and postal history  -  SFK Auctions Public auction #42 on

Lot 146 - serbia - stamps and postal history - SFK Auctions Public auction #42 on

1911. Trojicki sabor, šestobojna frankatura prvih šest vrednosti serije na filatelisticki inspirisanom pismu, pošiljaoc pionir srpske filatelije E. Derocco, upucenom iz Beograda nemackom trgovcu pošt. maraka P. Kosacku u Berlin, dolaz na poledini.
1911 "Journalists' Meeting", six-color franking, first six denominations of set on philatelically inspired letter, the sender was E. Derocco, the pioneer of Serbian philately, sent from Belgrade to Berlin, to German postal stamp trader P. Kosack, arr cds.

SFK Auctions Public auction #42 on

serbia - stamps and postal history
Lot 263 - serbia - stamps and postal history  -  SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

Lot 263 - serbia - stamps and postal history - SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

1904. Nezupcani, pojedinacni probni otisak u crnoj boji, na tankom belom papiru prihvacen za dinarske vrednosti. Drugi poznati probni otisak vrednost (bez oznake) 5 din. autora E. Mušona po idejnom rešenju Ð. Jovanovica, garancija aukcije. Odlican kvalitet.
1904 Imperforate, die proofs in black, on thin white paper accepted for dinar denominations. The second known printing proof of 5 d denomination (no character "5") by author E. Mouchen after Dj. Jovanovic's design. Auction guarantee, very fine.

SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

serbia - stamps and postal history
Lot 278 - serbia - stamps and postal history  -  SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

Lot 278 - serbia - stamps and postal history - SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

1905. Pojedinacni probni otisak. Vrednost 15 para.samo okvira ( bez lika Kraljevog u medaljonu ) u crnoj boji. Probni otisci štampani su na cvršcem karton papiru. Možda unikat.
1905 Die printing proof of frame only (without King's portrait in medallion) in black. Printing proofs printed on thick cardboard. Denomination 15 p. Probably unique, very fine.

SFK Auctions Public auction #41 on

serbia - stamps and postal history
Lot 227 - serbia - stamps and postal history  -  SFK Auctions Public auction #40 on

Lot 227 - serbia - stamps and postal history - SFK Auctions Public auction #40 on

1904, april. Aleksandar 5 p dop. karta sa placenim odgovorom, UPUTNI DEO, poslata devet meseci posle povlacenja iz upotrebe iz Ristovca za Olmuc, Austrija, odgovarajuca kao povlašcena tarifa, nepriznata u polaznoj pošti i ispravno refrankirana u istoj pošti sa 5 p Aleksandar sa grbom preko kraljevog lika, celina sa žigom RISTOVAC a refrankatura sa žigom POŠT. UPUTNICA / RISTOVAC, dolazni žig, UNIKAT u odlicnom kvalitetu.
1904, April. Aleksandar 5 p postal card with paid reply, MESSAGE CARD, sent nine months after withdrawal from circulation from Ristovac to Olmutz, Austria, appropriate benefited postage, unrecognized in departure post office and correctly refranked in the same post office with 5 p Aleksandar with coat of arms over King's portrait, stationery with RISTOVAC cancel and refranking with POST. UPUTNICA /RISTOVAC (postal money order) cancel, arrival cancel, UNIQUE, very fine.

SFK Auctions Public auction #40 on

serbia - stamps and postal history