BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 - Stamp Auctions

Lot 931 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 1994 -  SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

Lot 931 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 1994 - SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

1994. ISTOÈNI MOSTAR - CELINA lokalno pomoæno izdanje: SA DUPLIM PRETISKOM, garancija Aukcije. Odlièan kvalitet.
1994 EAST MOSTAR: POSTAL STATIONERY WITH DOUBLE overprint, local provisional issue, auction guarantee. Very fine.

SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 1994
Lot 915 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2006 -  SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

Lot 915 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2006 - SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

2006. BEZ JEDNE FAZE, DIVLJE ŽIVOTINJE, ZEC, kompletan nezupèani tabaèiæ od osam maraka i dve centralne vinjete bez žute faze.
2006 WITHOUT ONE PHASE, WILD ANIMALS, RABBIT, complete imperforate sheet of eight and two central vignettes without yellow phase.

SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2006
Lot 926 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 1992 -  SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

Lot 926 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 1992 - SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

1992. ISTOÈNI MOSTAR: partija pisama i karata, marke sa pretiskom suverena Bosna i Hercegovina i poštanskim žigom Mostara. Ukupno 9 kom., dobar izbor.
1992 EAST MOSTAR: accumulation of letters and cards, stamps with suverena Bosna i Hercegovina overprint (independent Bosnia & Herzegovina) and Mostar postal cancel. Total of 9, good choice.

SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 1992
Lot 910 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2005 -  SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

Lot 910 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2005 - SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

2005. DIVLJE ŽIVOTINJE, TETREB, kompletan nezupèani tabaèiæ od osam maraka i dve centralne vinjete (Mi 388 KB U).
2005 WILD ANIMALS, GROUSE, complete imperforate sheet of eight and two central vignettes (Mi 388 KB U).

SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2005
Lot 905 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2002 -  SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

Lot 905 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2002 - SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

2002. MUZIKA, NEIZDATA MARKA, 1 KM, izdanje federacije BiH, štampana u Bundesdruckerei, neponištena, sa levim random tabaka, garancija Aukcije.
2002 MUSIC, NOT ISSUED STAMP, 1 KM, issue of B&H Federation, printed in Bundesdruckerei, not cancelled, with left sheet margin, Auction guarantee.

SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2002
Lot 921 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2006 -  SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

Lot 921 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2006 - SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

2006. BLOKOVI U SUTISKU U ÈETVERCU: Zimske Olimpijske igre, Torino, nezupèana proba bloka sa natpisom TORINO 2006 i OLIMPIJSKIM KRUGOVIMA. Ne odobreno izdanje, povuèeno iz upotrebe. Samo dva ovakva èetverca poznata.
2006 MINIATURE SHEETS IN SE-TANENT IN BLOCK OF FOUR: Winter Olympic Games, Turin, imperforate miniature sheet proof with inscription TORINO 2006 and olympic circles, not alowed in postal circulation. Only two such blocks known.

SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2006
Lot 932 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 1994 -  SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

Lot 932 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 1994 - SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

1994. ISTOÈNI MOSTAR - CELINA lokalno pomoæno izdanje: SA OBRNUTIM PRETISKOM, garancija Aukcije. Odlièan kvalitet.
1994 EAST MOSTAR: POSTAL STATIONERY WITH INVERTED overprint, local provisional issue, auction guarantee. Very fine.

SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 1994
Lot 916 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2006 -  SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

Lot 916 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2006 - SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

2006. ZUPÈAN BLOK: Zimske Olimpijske igre, Torino, proba bloka sa natpisom TORINO 2006 i OLIMPIJSKIM KRUGOVIMA. Ne odobreno izdanje, povuèeno iz upotrebe.
2006 PERFORATED MINIATURE SHEET Winter Olympic Games, Turin, miniature sheet proof with inscription TORINO 2006 and olympic circles, not alowed in postal circulation.

SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2006
Lot 927 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 1994 -  SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

Lot 927 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 1994 - SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

1994. ISTOÈNI MOSTAR - lokalno pomoæno izdanje: 0.60 d SA OBRNUTIM PRETISKOM, garancija Aukcije. odlièan kvalitet.
1994 EAST MOSTAR: 0.60 d WITH INVERTED overprint, local provisional issue, auction guarantee. Very fine.

SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 1994
Lot 911 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2005 -  SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

Lot 911 - BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2005 - SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

2005. IZRAZITO POMERENO ZUPÈANJE, 0.10 KM Poštanska služba,redovno izdanje u tabaèiæu sa pomerenim zupèanjem 5 mm u levo.
2005 EXTREMELY MISPLACED PERFORATION, 0.10 KM Postal Service, regular issue in sheet with perforation misplaced 5 mm leftwards.

SFK Auctions Public auction #52 Western Balkans incl. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.

BiH Federacija i Istočni Mostar 1995-1996 / BiH Federation and East Mostar 1995/96 2005