weltweit - Stamp Auctions
Lot 7423 - weltweit dominikanische rep. - Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 5Antilles 1885/91: Dominican Republic 2 c. orange-red, a single example used on 1899 cover to Paris in combination with postal stationery cut-out 2 c. bright rose, tied by bartred obliterator and "Santo Domingo" cds. Underpaid for 10 c. single rate and struck with large "T" marking in black on despatch. Paris arrival cds (May 31) and taxed with France 1893 50 c. lilac-brown Postage Due. The cover should have been taxed 60 centimes (as if entirely unpaid) but a 10 c. reduction was made due to the prepaid 4 c. A scarce cover. Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 5weltweit dominikanische rep. |
Lot 7422 - weltweit dominikanische rep. - Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 5Antilles 1885/91: Dominican Republic 10 c. orange, a single example used on cover to Paris endorsed "Por Vap. Frances a Francia", unusually tied by 'HAITI A FORT DE FRANCE / L.E. No.1' Paquebot datestamp in black (Aug 15) with repeated strike alongside (Salles fig. 1576) with triangular 'T' mark adjacent and manuscript '2' (liable to double rate). Taxed on arrival in Paris for double the original deficiency with Postage Due 1 fr. maroon (Maury T25). Paris arrival on reverse (Sept 6). Slight soiling but a most unusual usage. Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 5weltweit dominikanische rep. |
Lot 5366 - weltweit KANALZONE - Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 3Canal Zone 1912/16: Panama 2 c. vermilion & black, an unused example with CANAL / ZONE reading down, further variety "Centre Inverted", well centred and of fresh and very fine appearance, one slightly blunted perf. at base, part og. A very scarce stamp Scott = $ 650. Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 3weltweit KANALZONE |
Lot 5367 - weltweit KANALZONE - Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 3Canal Zone 1925: Overprinted 1 c. green, 2 c. carmine and 3 c. purple, used on Central America Survey Flight cover carried by Scadta / Condor Sindicato; tied by COLOMBIA CENTRAL AMERICA AIRMAIL / PIONEER TRIP cachets in violet (Aug 14). Reverse with San Jose, Costa Rica datestamps in red-violet (Aug 14 and Aug 15). Fresh and very fine a rare Flight, just 25 letters carried. Ex collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel Corinphila Sale 177-180, Lot #4480 (Feb. 2013) Muller #5 = 5'000 pts. Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 3weltweit KANALZONE |
Lot 5368 - weltweit KANALZONE - Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 31920/30: Goup of four covers/cards including 1920 First air dispatch Oct. 6,1920 with special cachet "Aviator encountered impossible weather conditions...", 1921 Disaster mail incoming from New York (March 22) bearing special cachet: "This piece of Mail damaged by fire and water aboard S.S. "Saint Ana" March 24, 1921" as well as "Damaged By Air Plane Wreck, December 22, 1930" cachet on legal size cover from Medellin to Los Angeles USA additionally franked in transit by pair of CZ 20c. tied by cristobal cds. Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 3weltweit KANALZONE |
Lot 5309 - weltweit Honduras - Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 31898: Locomotive Issue, the selection of covers/cards (5) with 3 c. + 3 c. green on green reply stationery cards used to Constantinople, postcard with 1 c. brown and 2 c. rose used to France, 2 c. yellow-brown card up-rated with 1 c. brown used to Germany, 1901 cover with 5 c. ultramarine and 10 c. dark blue used from Santa Cruz de Yojoa to USA and scarce 1902 cover with 5 c. ultramarine on laid paper used on 1902 cover to Chicago. A generally fine and unusual group of this scarce issue. Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 3weltweit Honduras |
Lot 5304 - weltweit Honduras - Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 3British Black River Colony 1766 (Oct 1): Entire letter to 'Mrs Elizabeth Hodgson, care of William Pitts, Black River, Mosquito Shore', written from an evidently lonely friend of Miss Betsy, "Everything here is perfect but I care not here, I want to be at home", however the writer, probably Mr. Hodgson, was to be called to the Privy Council in London to discuss the Black River Settlements and also discusses hopes for the colony and arguments with the commissioner for the settlement in London. No postal markings but a exceptionally rare, believed to be the sole recorded incoming entire letter. Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 3weltweit Honduras |
Lot 5310 - weltweit Honduras - Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 31898: Locomotive Issue, the selection of covers/cards (5) with 3 c. green on green stationery card used from Yuscaran to Rio de Janeiro (Sept 1899), 3 c. green on green stationery card used from Amapala to Asuncion, Paraguay (Nov 1899); card with 1 c. brown and 2 c. rose used to France, 2 c. yellow-brown card up-rated with 1 c. brown used to Canada (April 1900) and 1901 cover with 5 c. ultramarine and 10 c. dark blue used from Santa Cruz de Yojoa to USA. A generally fine and unusual group of this scarce issue. Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 3weltweit Honduras |
Lot 5305 - weltweit Honduras - Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 31836c.: Cover addressed to Auguste Mahelin, Consul General of France in San Salvador, struck with superb strike of oval framed OMOA despatch handstamp in brown (Harris #71, a late usage) with handstruck "2" (reales) due marking in red. Exceptional quality and very scarce thus. Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 3weltweit Honduras |
Lot 5306 - weltweit Honduras - Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 31850 (June 12): Entire letter from Comayagua to Nacaome struck on despatch with fine framed "Franqueado en / Comayagua" handstamp in black (Harris fig. 28). One or two worm holes but an exceptional strike of a scarce marking. Corinphila Auction AG 274th - 283th Corinphila Auction - Day 3weltweit Honduras |