hungarian lots and collections - Stamp Auctions

Lot 8582 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections -  Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Lot 8582 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections - Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

9 klf vágott blokk (38.400) / 9 different imperforate blocks

Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Hungary hungarian lots and collections
Lot 8558 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections -  Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Lot 8558 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections - Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

1958-1991 Gyűjtemény sorokkal, blokkokkal 16 lapos A4-es berakóban / Collection in A/4 stockbook

Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Hungary hungarian lots and collections
Lot 8574 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections -  Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Lot 8574 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections - Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

1973-2013 Összes Európa témájú blokk és bélyeg + FDC + díjjegyes 4 A4-es berakólapon / Europe thematic collection on stockcards

Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Hungary hungarian lots and collections
Lot 8557 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections -  Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Lot 8557 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections - Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

1957-1989 Gyűjtemény sorokkal, blokkokkal 16 lapos A4-es berakóban / Collection in A/4 stockbook

Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Hungary hungarian lots and collections
Lot 8565 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections -  Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Lot 8565 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections - Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

1962-1992 50 klf blokk a hozzá való sorokkal 8 lapos A4-es berakóban / 50 different blocks with sets in stockbook

Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Hungary hungarian lots and collections
Lot 8585 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections -  Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Lot 8585 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections - Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

100 klf blokk 10 lapos közepes berakóban / 100 different blocks in a stockbook

Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Hungary hungarian lots and collections
Lot 8560 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections -  Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Lot 8560 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections - Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

15 klf sor az 1950-es évekből (23.700) / 15 different sets from the 1950-es

Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Hungary hungarian lots and collections
Lot 8577 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections -  Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Lot 8577 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections - Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Vonalkódos bélyegek gyűjteménye 2000-2009 A gyűjtemény nagyrészt 2 példányos, zömében a két állásban sarok példányok, 30 lapos A4-es sötétkék berakóban. Rendezett, jó minőségű, szép anyag. (400.000++) / Collection of stamps with barcodes 2000-2009

Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Hungary hungarian lots and collections
Lot 8567 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections -  Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Lot 8567 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections - Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

1963-1983 Tartalmas FDC gyűjtemény 2 dobozban / Nice FDC collection in 2 boxes

Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Hungary hungarian lots and collections
Lot 8587 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections -  Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Lot 8587 - Hungary hungarian lots and collections - Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

110 klf sor és 35 db önálló bélyeg 3 berakólapon / 110 different sets and 35 stamps on stockcards

Darabanth Co Ltd Major Auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #26

Hungary hungarian lots and collections