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Cancellation "ΠΛΑΤΑΝΑ 31 ΟΚΤ.92" type II on 20 lep.
Cancellation "ΚΟΝΙΣΤΡΑΙ 31 ΙΑΝ.87" type II on 20lep.strip of 3
Cancellation "83" (=ΣΚΥΡΟΣ) type I on 10lep.
Cancellation "ΦΕΡΡΑΙ " type ΙΙa on 10lep.
Cancellations "ΑΚΡΑΤΑ" and "ΑΚΡΑΤΑΣ" types IΙΙ, ΙV and V
Cancellation "ΠΡΑΜΑΝΤΑ 20 ΙΟΥΛ.83" type II on 20 lep.
Cancellation "ΛΑΓΚΑΔΙΑ type IΙ on 5lep. in pair
Cancellations "97" (ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑ) type I on different 40lep.
Cancellations "ΣΕΡΙΦΟΣ " type II and III
Cancellation "ΡΕΘΥΜΝΟΝ" type II on 20 lep.