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Rural dotted cancellation "802" and "ΚΑΡΛΟΒΑΣΙΟΝ-ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ 2 ΟΚΤ.52" οn cover to USA
Cancellation "ΜΙΤΥΛΗΝΗ 27 ΑΠΡ.13" on registered cover franked with pair "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ"
Maritime cancellation "ΑΚΤΟΠΛΟΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ-ΠΡΑΚΤΟΡΕΙΟΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ" on cover, arrival "ALEXANDRIA 26 MA.30"
Cancellation "ΧΡΑΝΟΙ 6 ΑΠΡ.05" type V on 5lep+10lep. Flying mercury
Rural posthorn "73" "28.8.1945" and "ΤΖΕΡΜΑΔΙΩ 28.ΑΥΓ.945" on cover to Athens
Cancellation "ΧΑΛΚΙΟΠΟΥΛΟΝ" type V on 10lep.
Rural posthorn "1" "9.4.67" and "AΛΙΚΙΑΝΟΣ 10.ΙV.67" on cover to Athens
Cancellation "MITYΛΗΝΗ 12 ΝΟΕΜ 13" type V on cover to Egypt
Card (1953) from "ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ" to "ΑΘΗΝΑ" franked with 400 Drs. Dodecanese issue. On back "ADRIATICA - Societa per Azioni Di Navigazione - Venezia Agenzia Principale Di Pireo"
Cancellation "XΩΣΤΙΑ 4 ΔΕΚΕ.10" type V on 5lep. PS to Athens. First time seen. Very rare