1942-44 - Stamp Auctions

Lot 29938 - Greece 1942-44 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

2,000d blue, double impression, unmounted mint. Cat £33 {UM} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £12.80)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

Greece 1942-44

Lot 29365 - Australia 1942-44 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

Balance collection on album pages, neatly written information for the definitive set 1d to 5½d (perf 15x14) issued between 1942 and 1944. Mixed, mint and (mainly) used in mixed condition, generally above average including fine. Some nice postmarks, perfins, imprint blocks, pairs, covers etc. There may be the odd damaged / toned in the 212 stamps and damaged / torn within the 6 covers (includes some 'opened by censor' covers). CV c£160. {CC} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £36.00)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

Australia 1942-44

Lot 26233 - south africa 1942-44 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

KGVI: War Effort in blocks of 4 (2 pairs). FU Cat £76 {U} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £24.00)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

south africa 1942-44

Lot 26234 - south africa 1942-44 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

KGVI: War Effort. LMM Cat £50 {MH} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £11.20)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

south africa 1942-44

Lot 26237 - south africa 1942-44 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

War Effort Reduced size set of 8 vals ½d to 1s, f.u. with small h/r. (8) Cat £38 {U} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £11.20)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

south africa 1942-44

Lot 26235 - south africa 1942-44 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

KGVI - War Effort - set of 8 in pairs or strips of 3, mint, h/r. Cat £50 {MH} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £0.99)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

south africa 1942-44

Lot 26236 - south africa 1942-44 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

War Effort set in blocks giving 3 units (½d, 1d, 3d and 4d) or 2 pairs (1½d, 2d, 6d and 1s), marginal thin on 3d, never hinged incl. 4d (4) and 1s, u.m./m.m. Cat £132 {MH} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £21.60)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

south africa 1942-44

Lot 26232 - south africa 1942-44 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

War Effort, 1943 coils, 1947-54 vals to 2s6d, 1948 Mine block of 4, and later to 1960, incl. 1948 UPU 3d mint corner pair with 'SERIF ON C' variety, fair to fine used. Cat £195 {U} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £32.00)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

south africa 1942-44

Lot 19192 - malaya - japanese occupation 1942-44 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

Type 2 ovpts and surcharges on various issues and later pictorials and P. Dues, all common except unlisted Selangor 8c grey opted in black and in red (both used), m.m. (32) {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £24.00)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

malaya - japanese occupation 1942-44
Lot 16786 - India - States - Cochin 1942-44 -  UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

Lot 16786 - India - States - Cochin 1942-44 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

6p on 1a, Type 23, slight yellowing, part o.g. Scarce. Cat £650 (image available) {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £200.00)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 95

India - States - Cochin 1942-44