
Status International

lot # 510 - accumulations and collections world collections and lots

Friday Oct 24, 2014 09:00 Australia/Sydney

German Occup - Croatia: 1941-45 NDH MUH almost complete collection inc 1941 1st & 2nd opt sets on Yugoslavia, 1941 Castles opt, 1941-42 Views tete-beche prs, 1942 Model Plane Expo perf & imperf M/Sheets, 1942 Ustashe M/S perf & imperf, 1943 Pavelic M/S perf & imperf, & later commem sets & M/Sheets inc an early reprint of the very rare 1945 Storm Troopers M/S (would cat £2000+), Officials, Postage Dues etc. Then excellent section of special sheetlets inc 1942 Ustashe s/let of 16+9tabs, 1943 Pavelic s/let of 16+9tabs, 1944 Postal Workers set s/let of 9, 1944 Legion set imperf s/let of 20, 1944 Labor Front s/let of 9, 1945 Postal Workers s/let of 8 etc. VF fresh MUH. SG STC £3000+ for M, should be at least £6000+ MUH. Beautiful collection. (220 + 12M/S + 24S/S) Estimate A$1200

About The Seller

Status International

Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More

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