
lot # 3593 - westaustralien

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

The 1 s. value was produced by Horace Samson by taking Transfers from the 10th to 14th vertical rows of the 1 Penny: the 7th to 11th rows on the engraved plate and superimposing Transfers of the oval Shilling frames to produce an intermediate Stone of 60 and eventually a printing stone of 240 impressions.

1854 (Aug 1): H. Samson 1 s. salmon, wmk. Swan sideways, a used example with large even margins all round, cancelled by the void obliterator in black. An extremely fine example of this rare stamp, a great rarity in this shade. Signed Hassel Gi = £ 4'750.


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