By: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
lot # 2169 - China - Ganzsachen
China - Ganzsachen: 1941, card SYS 2 1/2 C. uprated total 27 1/2 C. for the UPU card rate of 30 C. c
1941, card SYS 2 1/2 C. uprated total 27 1/2 C. for the UPU card rate of 30 C. canc. "SHANGHAI 21.5.41" to Plesse/Loire Inf. which was in the german occupation zone, hence blocked by Lyons station p.o., swiss Basel p. o. boxed mark ""Refoule par bureau postal Lyon gare / faute de communication avec France occupe. /Postes Bale 2". Red german censormark. Card toning and bumped corners.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG is an established dealer in Germany. For many years the company published direct sale list of stamps and covers from all the world. In 2006 they... Read More
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