Netherlands and Former Territories - Stamp Auctions

Lot 3475 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories - Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

voorraad gestempeld en */** w.b. iets modern en nominaal in 11 insteekboeken
Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.

Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories

Lot 3457 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories - Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

collecties tot ca. 2003 gestempeld en */** in 8 Davo albums
Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.

Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories

Lot 3425 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories - Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

gestempeld en */** met o.a. NL nr. 105 (gestempeld) in pergamijnzakjes. Tevens iets muntgeld in 14 insteekboeken/albums
Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.

Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories

Lot 3459 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories - Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

w.b. iets stempels klassiek Nederland, port, collecties Nederlandse Antillen, Nieuw-Guinea en Republiek Suriname */** etc. in 5 albums  
Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.

Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories

Lot 3430 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories - Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

w.b. voorraad gestempeld en */**, kleine verzameling Indonesië, restanten op albumbladen, vel(de)len ** etc. in o.a. 4 albums/insteekboeken
Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.

Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories

Lot 3462 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories - Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

fdc's, collectie vanaf E2 (dagtekenstempel) in 12 albums
Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.

Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories

Lot 3438 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories - Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

fdc's 1952-2010 in 9 albums 
Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.

Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories

Lot 3466 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories - Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

vanaf 1852 meest gestempeld en deels dubbel verzameld t/m 2010 in 7 albums/insteekboeken
Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.

Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories

Lot 3441 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories - Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

w.b. voorraden */** en gestempeld, ouder materiaal, blokken, stempels etc. in 30 albums/insteekboeken/mappen in 2 verhuisdozen 
Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.

Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories

Lot 3452 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories - Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

post(waarde)stukken w.b. port(vrijdom), fdc's, op emissie verzameld (Prinsessenzegels 1946), kinderbedankkaarten, telegrammen, vracht- en treinbrieven etc. in 17 albums en platte doos in 2 verhuisdozen 
Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature In principal no shipping available for this lot.

Corinphila Veilingen Auction 248-249 Day 3 Netherlands and former colonies

Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands and Former Territories