netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Stamp Auctions

Lot 17 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands -  Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

Lot 17 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

Spoorlijn Amsterdam-Haarlem-'s Gravenhage-Rotterdam-Dordrecht-Antwerpen 1846-ca. 1920, 220 poststukken w.b. vervoer buiten de posterijen om, haltestempels, H. Spoorweg (w.b. op zegel), Exp. Moerdijk, gebroken ring-, halve cirkel-, takje-, punt-, kleinrond-, grootrond- en typenraderstempels, tevens 135 zegels met spoorwegstempels, tentoonstellingsmatig opgezet. Zie selectie

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
Lot 37 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands -  Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

Lot 37 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

collectie emissie Hangend Haar van 3 cent t/m 2½ gulden gestempeld en gespecialiseerd op druk, oplage, papiersoort en nuance, tentoonstellingsmatig opgezet w.b. 45C en 47A, B en C

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
Lot 12 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands -  Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

Lot 12 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

emissie 1899 Bontkraag 3-60 cent, 210 poststukken w.b. aangetekend (met ambtshalve op brief 1922 uit Finland), expresse (w.b. schaarse stroken en op verzoek), waarde, bericht van ontvangst, custor porto controle stempels (2x), bundelbriefje 105 ex. Omm. Courant (52½ cent frankering), censuur, 2 brieven met 15 en 75 cent brandkast naar Ned.-Indië, 10 cent op machtiging uitbetaling postwissel, veel naar het buitenland etc. Zie selectie

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 32 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

voorraad 1852-1956 gestempeld met veel beter materiaal in meest goede kwaliteit w.b. nrs. 3 (2x), 6 (2x), 12, 29 (4x), 47 (2x), 48, 104-105( 3x), 130 (2x), 131 (3x), vanaf nr. 203 meest 4-7x aanwezig, roltanding, luchtpost 12-13 (3x), port 42-43 (2x) etc. in insteekboek

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
Lot 48 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands -  Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

Lot 48 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

collectie van ca. 170 poststukken Breda en omgeving, meest voorfilatelie, met vele betere ex. in 4 albums. Zie selectie

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 7 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

ca. 1200 poststukken met kleinrond trajectstempels w.b. veel betere ex. met o.a. Amst:-Harmelen-Rott, Amsterd-Zutph (16x), Arnhem-Dordr; (3x), Breda-Maastr (16x), Eindh:-Maastr:, Haarl:-Helder (2x) etc. met veel verschillende letter en cijfer route-aanduidingen, in 2 bakken

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 25 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

kleinrondstempels collectie A-Z in gemengde kwaliteit met betere ex. en mooie afdrukken inclusief poststukken en doubletten (totaal ruim 3100 ex.) in 4 Safe albums

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 43 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

collectie 1852-1923 gestempeld met betere ex. w.b. 48, 80, 101 en gespecialiseerd op tanding w.b. 121I, uitgebreid port 1881, etc.

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
Lot 1 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands -  Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

Lot 1 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

Spoorwegbriefkaarten, collectie 295 ex., vrijwel alle verschillend met veel betere ex. w.b. Geuzendam ongebruikt NS 218a, 330b, 336a, 338a en gebruikt NCSM 98a (2x w.b. aankomststempel Uden Vluchtoord), MESS 98a (2x), NSM 99a (2x) en NS 88a-I, 319b, 325b, tevens enkele versneden ex., gefrankeerde spoorwegbriefkaarten en vrachtbrieven. Interessante koop in 3 ringbanden.

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 18 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

emissie 1852, nr. 1 (151x w.v. 35 paren) en nr. 2 (109x w.v. 13 paren en 2 strippen van 3), vrijwel alle geplaat en meest goede kwaliteit

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands