1867-88, ten values of four different issues, apparently only two cheap stamps are originals, all other are Berlin or Hamburg reprints, nice quality, full OG, VLH, VF, Est. $150-$200
8. British Commonwealth (C-Z) heligoland |
1938-58, King George VI, Queen Elizabeth II, Plants, Views, Scenes, ½p-£1, 1½p-10s, ½p-£1, three complete sets, the total is 41 stamps, full OG, NH, VF, SG #121/33a, 134/40, 159/74, £261.50, Est. $150-$200
8. British Commonwealth (C-Z) jamaica |
1923-33, King George V and Seal of the Colony, ½p-5s with watermark Multiple Script CA, 3s-£1, sideways watermark Multiple Crown CA, complete set of 21, fresh and choice, full OG, NH, mainly VF, C.v. $470++, SG #71/91, £400 as hinged, Est. $400-$500
8. British Commonwealth (C-Z) dominica |
1948, Silver Wedding issue, 10c purple, top right corner sheet margin plate No.31237 block of four, lower left stamp with spur on ''N'' in ''KONG'' variety (position R2/9), full OG, NH, VF, SG #171, a, C.v. £110 as singles, Est. $80-$100
8. British Commonwealth (C-Z) Hong Kong |
1922, blue black ''Irish Free State 1922'' overprint with omitted accent on Sea Horses 10s gray blue, nicely centered with bold color, full OG, LH, VF and rare, C.v. $2,750, Hibernian #T61d, €3,000, Est. $900-$1,200
8. British Commonwealth (C-Z) ireland |
1891, 50th Anniversary of the Colony, black overprint on 2c carmine, broken first ''1'' in ''1891'' variety (position R2/1), full OG, previously hinged, VF, C.v. $1,000, SG #51c, £950, Est. $400-$500
8. British Commonwealth (C-Z) Hong Kong |
1919, King George V, 25c red lilac and dull violet, type II without short vertical stroke on the top character at left, watermark multiple Crown CA, full OG, previously hinged, VF, C.v. $250, SG #109, £300, Est. $150-$200
8. British Commonwealth (C-Z) Hong Kong |
1880, Queen Victoria, black surcharge 5c on 8c bright orange, fresh and nicely centered single, unused, no gum, mostly VF, C.v. $900, SG #23, £1,100 as hinged, Est. $250-$300
8. British Commonwealth (C-Z) Hong Kong |
1932, Captain James Cook, imperforated proof of 1p in lake and black (issued colors), block of four, full OG, NH, VF, Est. $150-$200
8. British Commonwealth (C-Z) cook islands |
1957, Viking Ship and Angel Fish, 2½p emerald green, bottom right corner sheet margin plate No.23181 block of four, imperforated horizontally, full OG, NH, VF and rare, SG #182 var, £1,000 for two pairs imperforated between stamps, Est. $500-$600
8. British Commonwealth (C-Z) ghana |