Active Auction


lot # 1848 - Australia - States - South Australia 1868-1905

Price: £ 1,300.00
Tuesday Apr 01, 2025 17:00 Europe/London

QV small mint collection 34 stamps comprising some 34 stamps generally in fine to well above average condition for these, particularly when one considers the calibre of mint South Australia Queen Victoria issues offered on the market today. Mint collections of this period and calibre are rarely offered. Commencing Wyon types 1st watermark large star - no less than 5 different x 1s. Brown shades followed by 2 x 1s. Wmk 7 'V' over crown 1s. Brown shades, followed by mainly high quality mint definitive ranges, assortment of perfs, shades and types. Many appear to be authoratively identified bearing tiny pencil manuscript SG numbers upon reverse. A rare specialist assembly, catalogue value of which may run into some £ Thousands. 34v. Opportunity. Potential (Serious collectors request scan of the reverses or order backed by our full no quibble quarantee provided returned intact as received). Thank you (image available) {CC} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £1,040.00)

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