
Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 5145 - Peru

Tuesday May 20, 2014 08:00 to Saturday May 24, 2014 15:00 Europe/Zurich
Last date for bids: 
May 20, 07:00 BST

1 peseta, used example in a chocolate shade, on 1866 cover from Lima to Paris, cancelled by LIMA datestamp (Oct 28) in black. Reverse with British P.O. 'Callao' datestamp (same day), and thence via Panama and London (Nov 29) where framed 'GB / 1F 90c' accountancy marking applied in black on front. Charged '36' décimes due in manuscript on receipt. Some small imperfections but an astonishing and very rare usage overseas. Cert. Holcombe (1992).
