togo - british occupation - Stamp Auctions
Lot 3809 - World togo - british occupation - Status International Public Auction #322 - Stamps and Covers1916-20 London opt KGV set ½d to 20/-. VF fresh MLH. SG H47-58 cat £200 & under-catalogued. (12). (P) Status International Public Auction #322 - Stamps and CoversWorld togo - british occupation |
Lot 3734 - World togo - british occupation - Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and Covers1915 Accra opt KGV 1/- variety "CCUPATION" for Occupation. F-VF fresh MLH. SG 41f cat £170. (P) Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and CoversWorld togo - british occupation |
Lot 3740 - World togo - british occupation - Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and Covers1915 opt Gold Coast 1d Postcard, opt SPECIMEN. VF UN. Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and CoversWorld togo - british occupation |
Lot 3735 - World togo - british occupation - Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and Covers1915 Accra opt KGV 5/- variety "CCUPATION" for Occupation. Fresh M, perfs trimmed left side as most of the rare errors were removed by a postal official using a knife. SG 44f cat £550. (P) Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and CoversWorld togo - british occupation |
Lot 3730 - World togo - british occupation - Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and Covers1915 Accra opt KGV set ½d to 20/-. VF MLH/MNH. SG H34-46 cat £200+ & under-catalogued. (12). (P) Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and CoversWorld togo - british occupation |
Lot 3741 - World togo - british occupation - Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and Covers1915 opt Gold Coast 1d+2d Registered Envelope size F. Superb fresh UN. (P) Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and CoversWorld togo - british occupation |
Lot 3736 - World togo - british occupation - Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and Covers1915 Accra opt KGV 10/- variety "CCUPATION" for Occupation. F-VF fresh M typical perfs as most of the rare errors were cut out from sheets, using a knife by a postal clerk. SG 45f cat £650. (P) Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and CoversWorld togo - british occupation |
Lot 3731 - World togo - british occupation - Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and Covers1915 Accra opt KGV ½d blk of 9 with variety "CUPATION" for Occupation on centre right stamp, (position 33) plus 1st stamp "small F" & all opts misplaced so that part of A in Anglo is on adjoining stamps. F-VF fresh MLH/8MNH, inc both varieties VF MNH. SG 34/34a/34e cat £130+ as M singles, should be at least £260+ MNH, plus premium for blk. (9). (P) Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and CoversWorld togo - british occupation |
Lot 3737 - World togo - british occupation - Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and Covers1915 Accra opt KGV varieties inc ½d "small F in French" (horiz se-tenant pr), "thin G in Togo" (horiz se-tenant pr), "no hyphen after Anglo" (horiz se-tenant pr) & "CCUPATION for OCCUPATION", 1d "thin G in Togo", "small F in French" (horiz se-tenant pr) & "no hyphen after Anglo" (horiz se-tenant pr), 2d "small F in French" (horiz se-tenant pr), 2½d "no hyphen after Anglo", "thin G in Togo' & "small F in French", 3d "small F in French" -both white back & yellow back & "thin G in Togo", 6d "small F in French" & 1/- "small F in French". VF fresh M. SG ex H34a-41a cat £360++. (22). (P) Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and CoversWorld togo - british occupation |
Lot 3732 - World togo - british occupation - Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and Covers1915 Accra opt KGV ½d, variety "CCUPATION" for Occupation (position 57). F-VF fresh MLH marginal. SG 34f cat £80. (P) Status International Public Auction #321 - Stamps and CoversWorld togo - british occupation |