forerunners - Stamp Auctions
Lot 4 - forerunners ottoman empire - House of Zion Public Auction #106HALIL UL RAHMAN postmark (Hebron) Bale #796, not clear, on 20para Turkish postal card, 1906, addressed to Germany, with transit marks. Scarce. Photo. Estimated Value $300 House of Zion Public Auction #106forerunners ottoman empire |
Lot 20 - forerunners AUSTRIAN OFFICE - House of Zion Public Auction #106ITALIAN POST OFFICE POSTAL CARDS (2), 20 Para Mint card, and similar card with “Gerusalemme” overprint, very clean and hard to find. Photo. Estimated Value $225 House of Zion Public Auction #106forerunners AUSTRIAN OFFICE |
Lot 15 - forerunners AUSTRIAN OFFICE - House of Zion Public Auction #106AUSTRIAN LEVANT POSTAGE DUE STAMPS and Pieces, 43, all with HOLY LAND cancels. Good study lot. Great buy. Photo. Estimated Value $250 House of Zion Public Auction #106forerunners AUSTRIAN OFFICE |
Lot 31 - forerunners documents - House of Zion Public Auction #106THREE TURKISH DOCUMENTS, with Revenue stamps, large size, all from GAZA. Most interesting items. Condition ok to good. Photo. Estimated Value $500 House of Zion Public Auction #106forerunners documents |
Lot 10 - forerunners ottoman empire - House of Zion Public Auction #106QUART. ISRAELITE (JERUSALEM), 1910, 1 piaster stamp, “Rabbi Diskin , Waisenhaus” cover, addressed to America (receival backstamp). Horizontal crease at top, still very nice. Photo. Estimated Value $150 House of Zion Public Auction #106forerunners ottoman empire |
Lot 26 - forerunners documents - House of Zion Public Auction #106DEUTSCHE PALASTINA BANK, 3 ITEMS, including 2 mint and 1 used bank checks. Intersting lot. Photo. Estimated Value $125 House of Zion Public Auction #106forerunners documents |
Lot 5 - forerunners ottoman empire - House of Zion Public Auction #106JAFFA POSTA SHUBESI cancel on picture postcard, Bale #752, 10 para stamp, 1901, addressed to Trieste, transit cancel. Photo. Estimated Value $200 House of Zion Public Auction #106forerunners ottoman empire |
Lot 21 - forerunners RUSSIAN POST OFFICE - House of Zion Public Auction #106CAIFFA ROPIT violet cancel (Bale #613) on piece with 2x 5 para stamps, very clear, hard to find. Photo. Estimated Value $125 House of Zion Public Auction #106forerunners RUSSIAN POST OFFICE |
Lot 16 - forerunners AUSTRIAN OFFICE - House of Zion Public Auction #106FRENCH POST OFFICES: 1907 Cover with 2x JERUSALEM cancel, 1 piaster stamp, tied to GRAND NEW HOTEL cacheted cover, addressed to Austria, with transit and receival backstamps. Very pretty. Photo. Estimated Value $100 House of Zion Public Auction #106forerunners AUSTRIAN OFFICE |
Lot 32 - forerunners documents - House of Zion Public Auction #106TURKISH DOCUMENT, large size, Turkish Revenue stamps, clear negative cancel, used in Holy Land. Horizontal fold, good condition. Photo. Estimated Value $300 House of Zion Public Auction #106forerunners documents |