A mainly mint and unused collection of surface printed on stock cards incl. 1862-64 3d. (4), shades, 6d. lilac (2), 9d. bistre KJ, 1867-80 6d. dull violet (3), 10d. red-brown, 1s. green (plate 4), 2s. blue (7) used shades, 1873-80 watermark anchor 21/2d. rosy mauve on white paper (4) incl. plate 3, watermark spray 3d. rose (5), 6d. grey (5), 1s. green (4), watermark large garter 4d. vermilion (plate 15), sage-green (plate 16), 8d. orange (2...
Auction of Great Britain Postage Stamps and Postal History
By: Grosvenor Auctions
Grosvenor Auctions Auction of Great Britain Postage Stamps and Postal History
Public viewing at our offices is to be available on
Wednesday 12th November 9.30 am to 5 pm
Thursday 13th November 9.30 am to 5 pm
Friday 14th November 9.30 am to 5 pm
Monday 17th November 9.30 am to 4 pm
Private viewing will be available from the 27th October. Please telephone us beforehand to arrange an appointment
Clients are advised that strictly no viewing is available on auction days
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Lot #2 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
A mint and used Q.V. to Q.E.II collection in an album, incl. 1840 1d. black IE, 2d. blue AB, LE, 1867-83 5s. AC, EE, 10s. FD, £1 BI, £5 orange BH with "CHESTER/10PM/NO14/99" c.d.s., 1884 £1 HD, 1888 £1 ‘orbs’ error FA, 1887-92 £1 green MC, mint, 1902-10 10s. with c.d.s cancellation, £1 green, mint, 1912-24 fine mint set to 1s. with 9d. olive-green, 1913 Waterlow £1 green, mint, 1929 P.U.C. mint set to £1, 1934 Re-engraved mint set, Q.E.II...
Lot #3 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
Collections and Mixed Lots: A used surface printed collection on leaves, incl. 1862-64 3d., 4d. (3), 6d. (3), 9d. (2), 1s. (3), 1865-67 3d. plate 4, 4d. plates 7, 10, 11 (2), 12 (2), 13. 9d., 1867-80 9d. (2), 10d. (2), 1s. plate 6 KB with double plate number at right, 2s. (10), 1873-80 1s. orange-brown plate 13 PJ (2), QC, 4d. vermilion plate 15 AH, KK, TG, 4d. sage-green plate 16 NK, SJ, 4d. grey-brown plate 17 BF, TK, 8d. orange AK (used in...
Lot #4 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
Collections and Mixed Lots: A used surface printed collection in an album, incl. 1855-57 4d. (24), 6d. (4, one on thick paper), 1s. (2), 1862-64 9d. (4), 1s. KD with "K" in circle (corner perf missing), 1865-67 9d. (2), 1867-78 watermark Maltese Cross 5s. plate 1 3), 2 (2), 1882-83 watermark Anchor 5s. plate 4, 10s. and £1, 1880-81 5d. (3), 1883 or 84 to 1s., 1873-80 1s. orange-brown plate 13, 4d. vermilion plate 15 (2), 4d. sage-green plates...
Lot #5 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
A used collection of stamps, pieces and some covers in a boxed Philatelic album, Q.V. to K.G.V (plus a few later), virtually all with Kent or Sussex cancellations incl. 1840 1d. (2), one plate 7 KK with re-entry, later line engraved with 1d. and 2d. Stars, 1/2d. plates complete incl. plate 9 DO with "132" numeral of Brighton, 1d. plates apparently complete (less 77), plate 225 FC with Hastings duplex, surface printed with most plates...
Lot #6 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
A Q.V. surface printed collection in a Lighthouse album, arranged by value with basic issued plates complete mainly used to 2s. blue with shades, a few mint or unused incl. 1867-80 3d. plate 6, 1873-80 21/2d. plate 12, 1880-83 3d. on 3d. and 6d. on 6d., thick paper varieties, 1867-78 wmk. Maltese Cross 5s. plate 1 and 2, 10s. (creases), £1 (added corner) used, 1882-83 blued paper 10s. used (repaired), later incl. 1880-81 11/2d. mint, 1880 1d...
Lot #7 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
Collections and Mixed Lots: A Q.V. to K.G.VI collection in a stockbook, incl. 1840 2d. blue (2) used, 1887-92 Jubilee set to 1s. (both) mint, £1 green NA used, 1902-10 De La Rue to 1s. (3) mint, £1 used, 1911-13 to 1s. (3) mint, £1 used, Seahorses with 1913 Waterlow 2s.6d. (2), 5s. and 10s. (repaired corner) mint, £1 with very sweated gum, 1915 De La Rue 2s.6d. (4), 5s. (2), 10s. (small tear at right), mint, 1934 re-engraved set mint, 1939-48...
Lot #8 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
A used line engraved collection in three binders, an album and loose incl. 1841 1d. (plates 34 to 86) and 2d. (plates 3 & 4) written up studies of plates with re-entries, double letters etc., later line engraved incl. 1d. plates to 224, with unused examples (21), 2d. plates incl. plate 15 FJ-GK reconstructed unused block of four, 1870 1/2d. plates 1 to 20, written up collection of postmarks incl. London Inland 1844 types, Scottish 1844...
Lot #9 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
Mixed Lots: A line engraved collection on album pages, incl. 1840 1d. black FA, FC, BC used (all 4 margins, one with vertical crease), 2d. blue KC, TI, HJ used (all 4 margins), 1841 1d. CB, JK, RF mint (some possibly regummed) and 1d. lake-red NB mint with Brandon certificate (2010), 1841 2d. violet-blue GD used with B.P.A certificate (1959), 1850 Archer perf. 16 plate 100 1d. red-brown KG unused with R.P.S certificate (1990), 1d. and 2d....
Lot #10 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
An 1840 to 2012 collection in five Lighthouse hingeless albums, incl. 1840 1d. used (8), 1883-4 1/2d. to 1s. set mint, 1902-13 to 1s. mint, 1918-19 Bradbury 2s.6d. (2), 5s. and 10s. (marginal) mint, 1934 re-engraved set mint, later unmounted mint incl. 1939-48 set, Wildings with graphites, 1955 Waterlow set, 1959 De La Rue set, 1962-65 phosphor sets, fairly complete decimal issues, also some postage dues, mixed condition. (100s)
Lot #11 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
Collections and Mixed Lots: A 2d. Line engraved collection on leaves, incl. 1841 2d. plate 4 on thicker lavender tinted paper, 1854 SC16 plate 4 with inverted watermark, 1855 2d. SC14 plate 4 with "spectacles" variety, SC14 plate 5 (2), SC14 plate 5 (3), LC16 plate 5 (2), LC16 plate 6 (4), re-entries, etc., varied condition. (207)
[Proposed price: £1,200-1,500]
Lot #12 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
A used Q.V. collection, incl. 1840 1d. (just cut into at foot), 1841 1d. red-brown used with number "10" in Maltese cross, 1841-51 2d. (3, all with 4 margins), 1847-54 Embossed 1s. (2), 10d. and 6d., range of surface printed to 2s. blue, 1867-83 watermark Maltese Cross 5s., 10s. (with red crayon) and watermark anchor 10s. (tone spots), 1883 ‘Lilac and Green’ set, 1883-84 watermark anchor white paper 2s.6d., 5s. and 10s., 1887-92 Jubilee 1/2d...
Lot #13 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
A Q.V. collection on leaves, mainly used incl. 1840 1d. (2), 2d. (3), later line engraved, 1847-54 1s. and 6d., surface printed to 2s. blue (5), 1867-78 10s. greenish grey HC (crease), selection of "SPECIMEN" overprints with 1862-64 4d. plate 3 (2), and 1867-80 3d. plate 6, 10d. and 2s. blue, 1884 £1 brown-lilac OD with reduced crayon marks, some mint incl. 1880-81 1d. block of twelve, 1883-84 lilac and green values to 5d., 1887-1900 Jubilee...
Lot #14 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
A Q.V. surface printed used selection with inverted watermarks, comprising 1855-57 4d. wmks. small garter, medium garter and large garter, 6d. (2), 1s., 1862-64 3d., 4d. plate 3 (Brandon certificate, 2008), 6d. plate 4, 9d., 1s., 1865-67 4d. plate 12, 6d. plate 6, also 6d. plate 5 wmk. reversed, 1867-80 6d. plate 6, 1s. plate 4 (unused without gum, cut-down wing margin, misperf’d horizontally), 2s. blue, and 1873-80 21/2d. rosy mauve blued...
Lot #15 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
An accumulation in three cartons, chiefly Q.E.II, incl. decimal issues in large multiples mint, duplicated 1960s multiples mint, some loose in packets from line engraved, aerogrammes, literature, presentations packs, covers, miniature sheets, booklets, etc., also a few Commonwealth f.d.c’s, mixed condition. (100s)
[Proposed price: £900-1,000]
Lot #16 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
A mint decimal accumulation incl. Machin multiples with regionals, folded, window and prestige booklets, miniature sheets, some duplication, mostly fine. (100s)
[Proposed price: £900-1,000]
Lot #17 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
A K.E.VII to K.E.VIII duplicated collection in an album incl. K.E.VII values mint to 5s. and 10s., £1 used (reperforated), Seahorses mint with Waterlow 2s.6d. (2), 5s., Bradbury 5s. and 10s., selection used incl. £1 (repaired tear), K.G.V mint incl. 1912-24 set with shades, 8d. wmk. inverted (unmounted), values to 7d., 9d. agate and 1s. in blocks of four, 1913 wmk. Multiple Cypher 1/2d. and 1d., also used, 1924-26 set with shades and some...
Lot #18 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
Collections and Mixed Lots: A collection of mainly perforated 1d. Stars, many plated (not guaranteed), in a album, incl. 1850-51 1d. plate 122 SB unused with roulettes on two sides, B.P.A. certificate (1953) states "may be a genuine private roulette", 1855 SC14 1d. plate 55 SG with inverted "S", 1855 (Aug.) 1d. SC14 Alphabet III die II plate 26, shades, cancellations, etc. (few 100s)
[Proposed price: £800-1,000]
Lot #19 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
A Q.V. used collection incl. wide range of surface printed with 1855-57, 1865-67 and 1862-64 values to 1s. and 1867-80 values to 2s. blue, lightly duplicated with good range of shades and plates incl. 21/2d. rosy mauve 1-17, 21/2d. blue 17-23, 3d. 1-2 and 4-21, 4d. vermilion 3-4 and 7-15, 6d. grey 12-18, 1s. green 1 and 4-13, etc., then 1867-80 1s. Stock Exchange forgery plate 5 KC, 1867-83 5s. (2), 10s. and £1, 1883-4 2s.6d., 5s. and 10s,...
Lot #20 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
A mint decimal accumulation in a carton, mostly window and prestige booklets, many NVI’s, also some Machin blocks, etc., mostly fine. (100s)
[Proposed price: £800-1,000]
Lot #21 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
Line Engraved: A large accumulation on stockcards and in envelopes, incl. 1840 2d. blue used (2), wide range of 1d. imperfs. and stars, 1864-79 1d.’s and 2d.’s, many on piece and cover showing a wide variety of cancellations incl. spoons, duplexes, numerals, coloured, etc., also multiples, some imperfs. with four margins, mixed condition. (100s)
[Proposed price: £800-1,000]
Lot #22 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
A Q.V to Q.E.II used collection in three Davo and two Windsor albums, with strong Q.V incl. 1840 1d. black with four margins, early surface printed values to 2s. blue, 1880-83 3d. on 3d. and 6d. on 6d. on piece, 1883-84 2s.6d. (2) and 5s., 1934 Seahorses set, etc., later with issues to 1999, also a selection of mint booklet panes, mixed condition (100s)
[Proposed price: £800-900]
Lot #23 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
Collection and Mixed Lots: A Q.V. to Q.E.II collection in an album, incl. selection of line engraved with 1858-79 1d. reds plate 71 to 224 near complete and reconstruction (mixed plates, missing DA, AE, BH, OJ) used, range of surface printed to 2s. blue used incl. 1873-80 1s. orange-brown plate 13 DE fine used with Manchester squared circle, 1912-24 set mint or used, 1934 re-engraved Seahorses set used with parcel cancellations, 1951 high...
Lot #24 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly K.G.V to Q.E.II collection in three albums, three cover albums and loose, incl. 1929 P.U.C. 1/2d. to 11/2d. with watermarks sideways and inverted, Q.E.II commemoratives with better phosphors unmounted mint, 1967 EFTA ordinary 9d. with lilac omitted, 1s.6d. phosphor with blue-grey omitted, 1967 Paintings 1s.6d. with phosphor omitted, 1967-70 Machin 1s.6d. p.v.a. cylinder block of six with greenish blue...
Lot #25 - Great Britain collections and mixed lots
Collections and Mixed Lots: A mainly used line engraved collection on leaves, incl. 1864-79 1d. plates to 225, 1870 1/2d. plates 1 to 20, plate 4 RA-SB mint block, plate 15 AV-AX mint strip, range of Underprints with G.H.W. & Co, St. Paul’s on 1d. plate 219, etc., varied condition. (261)
[Proposed price: £700-800]
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