
lot # 452 - arabic arabic

Sunday Sep 07, 2014 13:00 America/New_York

TRANSITION FROM MILITARY TO CIVILIAN POST IN GOLAN HEIGHTS 6 cvrs & 1 pc, pmks of various dates tie various SHEKEL tabbed stamps: (1) Mas’Ada 1 11.3.82 82 (hstmp cachet “First Day Israeli Civilian Post in Golan Heights”), (2) same of Mas’Ada 2, (3) Mas’Ada 1 similarly on pc, (4) Mas’Ada 2 11.3.82 on regist cvr, (5) Mas’Ada 2 10.3.82 on registered cvr, Mas’Ada 2 10.3.82, (6) Mas’Ada 1 of 10.3.82 w/ cachet (7) same with date of 11.3.82
