Mail Auction

Auction Gallery

Nov 09, 2018 Europe/Rome

Auction Gallery Mail Auction

Friday Nov 09, 2018 20:00 Europe/Rome

AuctionGallery Mail auction 9th November 2018 8.00 pm

We are pleased to present our new mailing auction. 2000 lots of Italian country, Europe and Overseas country. The deadline for submitting your offers is set for Friday, 9th November 2018 8.00 pm.


AuctionGallery Asta per Corrispondenza 9 novembre 2018 20.00 

Siamo lieti di presentare la nostra nuova asta per corrispondenza. 2000 lotti di Italia, Paesi Europei e Oltremare. La scadenza per presentare le vostre offerte è fissata per venerdì 9 novembre 2018 alle 20.00. 

About The Seller

A.G Srl Auction Gallery

The A.G. Auction Gallery Ltd. is a young company linked to the past of philately Gazzi family (Filasta Rovereto - Gazzi Alberto Firenze - Anonima Francobolli Milano). This past, with assets of... Read More

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