1900s-60s pre-decimal disarray in hagners, album page fragments & loose, very messy but sighted 1902 Postage Dues Blank Base set to 6d (retail $100), 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved (2). 1927-30 Commems perf OS set of 6 CTO ($80). 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet non-contemporary pmk. 1931 Kingsford Smith set of 7 to 6d inc 2d red, 3d blue & 6d brown opt OS G-FU & 6d brown Airmail (8) G-FU (retail $100) plus opt OS MNH (toned gum, 6). 1932...
Public Auction #334 - Stamps and Covers
By: Status International
Status International Public Auction #334 - Stamps and Covers
Status International - Sale 334 - July 20th, 2017.
Auction 334 has 5,609 lots, catering for all types of collectors & dealers - from bulk accumulations and intact collections to desirable single items. This auction offers a huge range of material, with special emphasis on lotting stamps to cater for collectors with varying types of interests and budgets. Items range from $30 to $80,000 so there's something for everybody. This auction offers strong representation of Australia & Colonies, strong British Empire material of all areas & periods, as well as General Foreign including small and large collections. There almost 200 lots of Australian Collections (Lots 1-193) and over 450 lots of World collections (Lots 194-667). Following on there is over 1000 lots of Australia which consist of singles, sets and covers including Australian colonies (Lots 692-1755). The Australian lots cover all periods, from the Kangaroo issues up to Decimal and contain numerous number of mint & used £1 & £2 top values - this includes a First Watermark £1 Red-brown & blue. VF fresh M. SG 15 cat £3000. ACSC 51B cat $4500.(Lot 726). There are almost 3,800 lots of World stamps, covers and single country collections (Lots 1756-5529) with the British Empire well represented, highlighted by Malaya -Straits Settlements 1904-10 KEVII $100 purple & green on yellow, wmk mult crown, chalk-surfaced paper. Superb fresh MLH, pristine original gum, nice colours. SG 140 cat £22,000+. Major British Empire high denomination rarity. 1992 Holcombe photo-cert.(Lot 4051). Numerous other European and Asian rarities as well.
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Lot #2 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1913-35 Collection on leaves with Kangaroos (12 diff) to 2/- M inc 1st wmk 4d, 5d, 6d, 1/- plus extra 2d 2nd wmk (retail $830). 1927-29 Commems blks of 4 inc 1½d Swan imprint blk (3) & scarce claret shade blk MNH ($500). 1932 OS opts (5) inc 6d Airmail, 1/- Lyrebird MNH & Bridge 3d (2) & 2d MLH (retail $ 175). 1934 Vic Cent & Macarthur sets of 3 FM ($160), 1935 Anzac & KGV SJ sets M, total retail $1800 mostly F-VFM, some...
Lot #3 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1913-84 Collection in 2 Seven Seas hingeless albums (retail $300) with Kangaroos to 2/-, KGV to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II perf OS (retail $275), 1934 Vic Cent 1/- perf 11½ CTO ($60), 1935 ANZAC 1/-, QEII pre-dec Pics to 5/- & decimals near comp inc Paintings to $10. Another collection 1966-92 on over-size pages near comp with scarcer 1971-74 Commem sets. Duplicated Paintings to $10 (5) & 1980s high val Pics. FDC collection (350) in 5...
Lot #4 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1927-65 Collection M/MNH in Davo album with Kangaroos SM wmk 9d, 1/-, 2/- (retail $356). KGV (16) inc single wmk. 1d red die III, 1½d green perf OS, 4d orange & 1/4, SM wmk perf 14 4d & 4½d. SM wmk perf 13½x12½ 2d brown & 1/4 (retail $900). 1931 Kingsford Smith set M & Airmail 6d brown MNH. 1934 Airmail 1/6 no wmk MNH 1934 Vic Cent set to 1/- both perfs & Macarthur set of 4 all F-VFM. 1935 KGV SJ & 1936 S Aust sets M....
Lot #5 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1930s OS opt set comp with 6d Kangaroo both wmks, KGV ½d-5d inc both wmks, 1/- Lyrebird, Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d, Airmail 6d & Bridge 2d & 3d. Mostly F-VF M/MLH, all genuine opts, the KS VF MLH. SG cat £630. ACSC cat $1020. Retail $800. (15). (P)
Lot #6 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1930s OS opt set comp with 6d Kangaroo both wmks, KGV ½d-5d inc both wmks, 1/- Lyrebird, Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d, Airmail 6d & Bridge 2d & 3d. Mostly w/c. F-VF M/MLH, all genuine opts, the KS VF. SG cat £630. ACSC cat $1020. Retail $800. (15). (P)
Lot #7 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1931 Airmail 6d brown opt OS. F-VF MNH. SG cat £380 for M, should be at least double, £760 MNH. ACSC 144(OS) cat $600, retail similar. (12)
Lot #8 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1932 Bridge OS opt set 2d & 3d (5 sets). VF fresh MNH. SG O134-5 cat £145 for M, should be at least double, £290 MNH. ACSC 146-7(OS) cat $250. (10).
Lot #9 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1932 Bridge OS opt set 2d & 3d (5 sets). VF fresh MNH. SG O134-5 cat £145 for M, should be at least double, £290 MNH. ACSC 146-7(OS) cat $250. (10).
Lot #10 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1934 Hermes 1/6, No wmk. F-VF MLH. SG 153 cat £250. (5).
Lot #11 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1937 Robes £1 thick paper. F-VF U inc a pr. (10). SG cat £350. ACSC 216 cat $450. Retail similar.
Lot #12 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1953-84 QEII Collection in Seven Seas hingeless album, pre-decimals near comp (128) inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle white paper MLH & 1964 Navigators (5) to £2 MLH, retail $200. Decimals near comp (FV $167) MNH inc 1966 Pics to $4, 1971 Christmas blks of 7 & 25 (retail $110), most early 1970s Commem sets & Paintings to $10. Hint of an occasional tone spot, mostly F-VF MNH. (100s)
Lot #13 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
ca.1953 Specimen folder (no.C7191/50) with KGVI Defs to 2/6 Aborigine inc 1947 Princess 1d, QEII 3d, 3½d & Arms to £2 with 5/- CTO, & 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN fresh MNH.
Lot #14 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1955-85 Complete collection in Seven Seas hingeless album (retail $120) with 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle white paper, 1964 Navigators set of 8 to £2 King, 1970 ANPEX M/Sheet CTO with red pmk, 1971 Christmas blk of 7 & 25, 1970s Paintings to $10 CTO & all high val Commem sets. Mostly G-FU with odd MNH/CTO, retail $430 plus another $120 for the album, total $550. (720)
Lot #15 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1962 Commonwealth Games 2/3. VF fresh MNH. SG 347 cat £200. Retail $300. (100).
Lot #16 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1963 Cable 2/3. VF fresh MNH. SG 362 cat £150. Retail $300. (100). (P)
Lot #17 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1966-98 MNH collection comp in 2 Davo hingeless slipcase albums with 1966 Pics to $4, all late 1960s-70s scarcer Commem/Pic sets inc 1971 Christmas set, blk of 7 & ½ pane of 25, 1972 Prim Ind & 1973 Nat Dev, 1970s Paintings to $10, 1980s Gardens to $20, plus 29 M/S to $10 Wetlands, & AAT comp 1966-98. Fresh MNH, retail $500+ to end 1980, FV from 1981 $640, plus albums retail $660 -total $1800.
Lot #18 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1966-end 2000 comp MNH collection in 2 near new Seven Seas slipcase albums inc 1966 Pics to $4, 1970 Cook M/S, 1971 Christmas set, blk of 7 & pane of 25, all the scarce early 1970s Commems, Paintings to $10, Gardens to $20. FV $780, retail $2500 inc $500 for the albums.
Lot #19 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1966-2007 FDC collection (800) in 340 Lighthouse OPTIMA pages (retail $500) appears comp for period inc 1966 Defs to $4, 1968 Flowers set of 6 on individual unaddressed Pic envelopes, Soil/Medical gutter pr, 1969 Flight with SA numeral 26 pmks of Sheoak Log (record late date??), 1971 Christmas sets (2), 1977 Painting $10 1980s Pics/Commems inc strips & high to $10 & $20 Gardens, 1991-2000 (FV $300) inc International Post to $10, M/...
Lot #20 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1966 Navigator $1 Flinders perf 14¾. F-VFU with neat cds. SG 401c cat £220. Retail $200. (10).
Lot #21 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1966 Birds set 5c-30c (20 sets), plus 1968 Flowers set 6c-30c (30 sets), plus extras/odds. MNH. Total retail $650. (374)
Lot #22 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1966 Navigator set 40c-$4 (21 sets), plus 75c-$4 opt SPECIMEN set of 4. MNH. Total retail $720. (130)
Lot #23 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1968 Intelsat 25c, '70 Royal Visit 30c, National Development set, '71 Aust-Asia set, '73 Fam Aust blk of 4 (50 of ea). MNH. Retail $700+. (650).
Lot #24 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1970-2001 FDC collection (800+) in 17 large albums with 1970 RV (2) & Grasslands PO envelopes, 1971 Christmas blk of 7 (2), 1972 Prim Ind, Christmas & 1973 Nat Dev on WCS envs, others 1970s Pics to $5 Paintings, 1990s sets inc 1996 AFL (2), International Post to $20 Uluru & M/Sheets to $10 Wetlands. Then uncounted Commem pmks 1970-early 1990s, assorted PSE inc Lindsay 20c Springwood cds & purple Pictorial Commem (both now very...
Lot #25 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
1970 Cook M/Sheet (44) MNH inc "double spear" variety (4, cat $140), plus CTO. Same opt ANPEX (12) inc "double spear" variety, plus CTO with Exhib pmk. Fresh & clean, retail $870. (58)
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More