Cinderella commemorating the British cinderella of Arts and Industries, held in Buenos Aires in 1931
Auction # 2508 ARGENTINA: General auction with very good material and very low starts!
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2508 ARGENTINA: General auction with very good material and very low starts!
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Lot #1002 - Argentina cinderellas
Block of 9 cinderellas of 5c. commemorating the Centenary of Tandil of 4 April 1923
Lot #1003 - Argentina cinderellas
Marginal block of 6 cinderellas commemorating the EFIP Philatelic Exposition, held in La Plata in November 1956
Lot #1004 - Argentina cinderellas
2 Blocks of 4 with different views of Nahuel Huapi National Park
Lot #1005 - Argentina cinderellas
2 Cinderellas of the 3rd centenary of "Tienda San Miguel" store, different colors
Lot #1006 - Argentina cinderellas
Cover commemorating the official inauguration of the Flag Monument on 20 June 1957, with cinderella of the Union Federation of Commerce and Industry for the same event, very nice
Lot #1007 - Argentina cinderellas
10c. Cinderella of the Institute of Infectious Diseases José Penna, on pre-printed cover cancelled "CANAL SAN FERNANDO"
Lot #1008 - Argentina cinderellas
Cover with corner card of "COLÓN Talleres Gráficos", used in B.Aires on 21/SE/1944, with a cinderella commemorating anniversary of "Cámara de la Industria Gráfica"
Lot #1010 - Argentina cinderellas
Block of 6 cinderellas of $1 'Monument to the Descamisado'