liquidationslose - Stamp Auctions
Lot 10303 - liquidationslose marshall-inseln stempel - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1894 - 1915, small stamp collection on particular stamps and beautiful pieces, as well amongst other things piece with V 48d, piece with ship¦s cancel DSP JAULUIT line *b and 18 mail from the small islands or atolls in the Marshall Islands cancellation f rom 1902-1913, clean mounted on pages Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose marshall-inseln stempel |
Lot 10319 - liquidationslose deutschland nach 1945 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1945 - 1960 (approximate. ), a few hundred covers, cards and postal stationeries, as well much first issue of stamps for Germany after WW II. And SBZ with registered covers, good frankings, postmaster perforations and taxe precu postmarks, Control Counci l with early uses and Berlin (amongst other things franked broadcast permission, document punching). Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose deutschland nach 1945 |
Lot 10266 - liquidationslose Deutsches Reich - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1871 - 1945, GROWN collection, mixed in all conditions collected, in the old illustrated album. The collection begins with the breast shield issues, over penny / pennies and Germania, the Weimar Republic, the Infla time as far as the end of the Third Rei chs, and is largely complete. As well are all good values and issues alike the zeppelins, the souvenir sheets, the help in need and WHW issues and so on. Included. In addition to it the official stamps and the fieldpost stamps. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose Deutsches Reich |
Lot 10282 - liquidationslose deutsch-neuguinea - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1888 - 1900, interesting collection forerunner and as supply on hand with particular stamps, beautiful pieces and one postal stationery postcard (without text) with additional franking, as well better stamps, pairs and multiples with amongst other things Michel-no. V 44 b in the block of eight (two values defects and unit separated), Michel-no. V 48 b in the strip of four on piece as well Michel-no. 50 d in two blocks of four and a block of six, condition from defective till in perfect condition, as wel l many Bedarfsbriefstücke (also from package cards and PA), very high catalog value! Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose deutsch-neuguinea |
Lot 10261 - liquidationslose fundgruben - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1850 - 1950 (approximate. ), mint never hinged, unused and cancelled lot with covers, cards and postal stationeries in small box Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose fundgruben |
Lot 10277 - liquidationslose deutsche post in marokko - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1899 - 1911, unused and cancelled collection with some better and complete issues, as well seven pieces with follower from crown / eagle, Michel-no. I-VI unused, Michel-no. 19 I / I unused, Michel-no. 16-19 II used respectively on pieces and Michel-no. 3 4-45 unused, clean mounted on pages. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose deutsche post in marokko |
Lot 10272 - liquidationslose deutsche post in china - vorläufer - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1886 - 1900, interesting and extensive collection on approximate 15 particular stamps, over 70 beautiful pieces including blocks of four and larger multiples as well nine covers (amongst other things a registered cover), as well better cancellations (amo ngst other things fieldpost cancel on 2 M. values), colours, further special feature (amongst other things piece with mixed franking local issue Chefoo) and better stamps with amongst other things Michel no. V 37 c, V 37 d, V42 c in the strip of three on cover, piece with two values Michel-no. 50 b, three pieces with vertical respectively horizontal strip of five Michel-no. 37 e and better cancellations on Michel-no. 37 e (amongst other things HANKAU DP, FUTSCHAU DP, Beijing DP, TONKU DP, EXPEDITONSXCOR PS stamp "a" and "b" as well army postal service station stamp No. 2, 4, 7 and twice 8. the condition is from defective till superb in every respect (choice copy), visually usually very impressively, all mounted on pages with inscription, nice object wit Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose deutsche post in china - vorläufer |
Lot 10288 - liquidationslose deutsch-südwest-afrika - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1890 - 1901, interesting collection the forerunner and as supply on hand on seven particular stamps, 55 beautiful pieces and six covers, as well many various cancellations and better stamps with amongst other things Michel-no. VO 40 II and VO 41 b on two pieces with stamp OTYIMBINGUE, M 45b on piece with stamp LÜDERITZBUCHT, M47 d on piece with stamp "WINDHOEK DSWA", VS37 e in the pair on money order piece with stamp GIBEON and on face 37e on money order piece with stamp OUTJO DSWA, mostly good conditio n, in part signed, clean mounted on pages. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose deutsch-südwest-afrika |
Lot 10267 - liquidationslose Deutsches Reich - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1872 - 1945, interesting lot with focal point III. richly including a little occupation II. WW, as well many postal stationeries, a few propaganda cards and set covers Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose Deutsches Reich |
Lot 10283 - liquidationslose deutsch-neuguinea - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158 1897 - 1915, mostly unused and cancelled collection with some better and complete issues, beautiful pieces and further special feature (amongst other things mint never hinged gutter pairs), as well amongst other things Michel-no. 7-19 used (top values si gned R. Steuer BPP), Michel-no. 7-19 Sp complete (without gum, signed Bothe BPP) and a few stamps of the British occupation with amongst other things three R-Zettelmarken, mostly good condition, better in part signed. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #158liquidationslose deutsch-neuguinea |