GOVT. PARCELS 1½d, three examples, fresh, fair used. Cat £84 [US2] (Start Price = £8.80)
Great Britain - Officials 1887-90 |
GOVT. PARCELS 1s dull green, decent colour, circular rubber cancels, good used. Cat £275 [US2] (Start Price = £25.60)
Great Britain - Officials 1887-90 |
GOVT. PARCELS 6d and 9d (indelible ink mark on reverse) each with light circular rubber postmark, v.g.u. Cat £195 [US3] (Start Price = £20.80)
Great Britain - Officials 1887-90 |
GOVT. PARCELS 6d purple/rose-red, fresh, v.g.u. Cat £75 (Start Price = £17.60)
Great Britain - Officials 1887-90 |
GOVT. PARCELS 9d dull purple and blue, 10 examples, half have circular rubber cancels, decent colours, fair used. Cat £1200 [US2] (Start Price = £56.00)
Great Britain - Officials 1887-90 |
GOVT. PARCELS 1s dull green, heavy EDINBURGH parcel cancel but excellent original colour, used. Cat £275 [US3] (Start Price = £13.60)
Great Britain - Officials 1887-90 |
GOVT. PARCELS 9d, quite fresh, heavy rubber circular cancel, fair used. Cat £120 [US2] (Start Price = £11.20)
Great Britain - Officials 1887-90 |
GOVT. PARCELS 1½d (thinned at edge) and 6d (cds cancel), good used. Cat £103 [US1] (Start Price = £16.80)
Great Britain - Officials 1887-90 |
GOVT. PARCELS 6d, 9d and 1s (good colour), latter with two circular rubber postmarks, fair to good used. Cat £470 [US3] (Start Price = £32.80)
Great Britain - Officials 1887-90 |
GOVT. PARCELS 1s dull green, 8 examples, all washed greens, circular rubber (4) or barred parcel (4) cancels, used. Cat £2200 [US2] (Start Price = £53.60)
Great Britain - Officials 1887-90 |