Malaya - Negri Sembilan - Stamp Auctions

Lot 19372 - Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1949-55 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Set to $5 complete(21) good to fine used Cat £160 {U} [US7] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £26.40)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1949-55

Lot 19367 - Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1949-55 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

set to $5, ex. 30c, h/r, fresh m.m. (20) Cat £138 {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £40.00)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1949-55

Lot 19360 - Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1948-55 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

KGVI mint collection, 1948 RSW set, 1949-55 'Arms' definitive set, 1949 UPU set. (27) Cat £174 {MH} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £32.80)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1948-55

Lot 19355 - Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1937 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

KGVI - Coronation - full set of 11v to 48c, various perfs, lightly MM. Cat £110 {MH} [US7] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £0.99)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1937
Lot 19374 - Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1949-55 -  UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Lot 19374 - Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1949-55 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Arms $2 & $5 very fine used Cat £170 (image available) {U} [US6] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £28.80)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1949-55

Lot 19353 - Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1935-41 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

values to $5 (u.m.), RSW and UPU, 1949-55 set to $2, 1957-63 set to $5, v.g.u. (56) Cat £235 {U} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £48.80)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1935-41
Lot 19373 - Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1949-55 -  UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Lot 19373 - Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1949-55 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

'Arms' High Value set, 50c to $5, most are Control singles, NHM (4) Cat £100 (image available) {UM} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £49.60)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1949-55

Lot 19368 - Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1949-55 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Short definitive set of 19v to $1 (Arms of Negri Sembilan), wmk Mult Script CA, UM. Cat £60 {UM} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £26.40)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1949-55

Lot 19344 - Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1891-1955 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Mint and used collection on leaves(61) including 1935 $5 mint, 1948 RSW set mint, 1949-55 set mint, the 30c is used, mainly fine {CC} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £46.40)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1891-1955

Lot 19346 - Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1891-1979 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Balance collection on Prinz stockpages, spanning 1891 to 1979. Mixed, (mainly) mint and used, note 1891-99 values to 4c, 1935-39 values to 15c, 1949-63 values to 40c. UPU (m&u) plus odd values from other sets. A little duplication. Mixed condition, generally above average including fine. Estimated catalogue value £250. 76 stamps, useful to develop, fill gaps / runs. Includes odd damaged / toned but not included in estimate. {CC} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £25.60)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 96

Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1891-1979