Enchères Terminées
By: John Bull Stamp Auctions
lot # 9202 - Main catalogue republic of china
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022 10:00 Asia/Hong_Kong
1913 (Aug 3) red band cover from Chihli Shaoku to Shansi Sinchow,f.w. CIP 1c x 3 on reverse, tied by Chihli Shaoku cds., along with Weihsien CHI, Taiyuanfu, Shuntehfu (One) transit and Sinchow SHA arrival.
1913年8月3日中式紅條封自直隸邵固寄山西忻州,背貼蟠龍1分票3枚,銷直隸邵固腰框日戳,旁蓋威縣(Weihsien CHI)、太原府、順德府(一)中轉戳及忻州(晉)(Sinchow SHA)腰框英漢到達戳。
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