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lot # 3315 - united states postal history Stampless Covers - Free Franks

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021 10:00 America/New_York

Henry Clay (1777-1852; US Statesman), "Free H. Clay" frank, addressed to C. Ingersoll Esq, Committee of Law, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, red "City of Washington Jun 12" circular date stamp with "Free" handstamp, docketing shows 1836 year date, negligible vertical fold, Extremely FinernHenry Clay was a popular politician in the early 19th century serving as a congressman, senator, and secretary of state for the US. Clay originally started his US political career as a representative of Kentucky in the Senate, but in less than a year decided to run for a spot in the House of Representatives and won in 1810. Quickly after that, Clay became the youngest Speaker of the House at the age of 34. He then served 7 terms up until 1825 as Speaker of the House. During his time in office, he successfully advocated for the war of 1812, arranged for the passage of the Second Bank of the United States, and supported the Monroe Doctrine. He became Secretary of State under President John Quincy Adams in 1825 and grew fond of him even though previously seeing him as a rival. He grew hatred towards Andrew Jackson. Clay returned to the Senate from 1831-1842. Here he was very critical of Andrew Jackson. During this time period he ran against Andrew Jackson for president but came up short, supported the rechartering of the National Bank, helped form the Whig party with him actually coining the name the Whig Party in a speech he gave, and lost the 1844 election to James K. Polk.rnThe addressee, C. Ingersoll Esq., was a United States congressman and served in the House of Representatives. His first term was for Pennsylvania's 1st congressional district from 1813-1815. His second term was for Pennsylvania's 3rd congressional district from 1841-1843. His last term was for Pennsylvania's 4th congressional district from 1843-1849.Sale 3054: Session 3 - United States Stamps and Covers

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H.R. Harmer

H.R. Harmer was founded in 1918 by Henry Revell Harmer of London. In 1940, the firm opened its New York auction gallery and quickly ascended to the top ranks of philatelic auction houses... Read More

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