GJ.792, with straight rays wmk, MNH
Auction # 2508 ARGENTINA: General auction with very good material and very low starts!
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2508 ARGENTINA: General auction with very good material and very low starts!
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Lot #277 - Argentina general issues
GJ.794, typographed, unsurfaced paper, one with "F..SARMIENTO" variety, one with small spot on back
Lot #278 - Argentina general issues
GJ.795EV, marginal pair with vertical gutter, spectacular
Lot #279 - Argentina general issues
GJ.795EV, strip of 4 with sheet margin and vertical GUTTER, extremely fresh gum, MNH
Lot #280 - Argentina general issues
GJ.795T, tete-beche pair, MNH, excellent
Lot #281 - Argentina general issues
GJ.795TH, tete-beche pair with lined horizontal gutter, MNH
Lot #282 - Argentina general issues
GJ.795TH, tete-beche block of 4 with horizontal lined gutter, very nice
Lot #283 - Argentina general issues
GJ.796F, forgery to defraud the postal authorities, corner block of 4, excellent quality
Lot #284 - Argentina general issues
GJ.798, block of 4 with postmark of 'OF. POSTAL AMBULANTE' of 3/DE/1936.
Lot #285 - Argentina general issues
GJ.799, corner block of 8, one with VARIETY: "2" on lined background, Pettigiani catalog value US$8
Lot #286 - Argentina general issues
GJ.800 + 800T, sheet of 80 stamps, it includes 20 tete-beche, some perfs are separated, small stain spots, good opportunity
Lot #287 - Argentina general issues
GJ.800, pair with VARIETY: without "REPUBLICA ARGENTINA" due to shifted perforation
Lot #288 - Argentina general issues
GJ.800, with "S" perfin (Cervecería Schlau S.A.) with 17 perforations, extremely rare!
Lot #289 - Argentina general issues
GJ.800CB, pair with white label, excellent quality
Lot #290 - Argentina general issues
GJ.800EV, gutter block of 4, very fresh gum, good opportunity
Lot #291 - Argentina general issues
GJ.800T, tete-beche block of 4, used, VF
Lot #292 - Argentina general issues
GJ.802, marginal block of 4, one with VARIETY: plate flaw in the lined background, VF
Lot #293 - Argentina general issues
GJ.803, with VARIETY: retouched pearls in the frame at top right, VF
Lot #294 - Argentina general issues
GJ.804, pair, one with VARIETY: Dot above the second "U" of URQUIZA
Lot #295 - Argentina general issues
GJ.807 + other values, 4 values of the set printed on unwatermarked paper
Lot #296 - Argentina general issues
GJ.807, block of 4, one with VARIETY: background below the "0" of 10 broken, value of a normal block US$8
Lot #298 - Argentina general issues
GJ.812, Map, marginal block of 4 printed on thick paper with compact paper pattern, Pettigiani catalog value US$36, scarce!
Lot #299 - Argentina general issues
GJ.812, with broken "SD" perfin (Sharp & Dohme S.R.L.), rare!
Lot #300 - Argentina general issues
GJ.813, with VARIETY: offset impression on back, value of a normal example US$35 (+30%, MNH), VF quality