GREECE: Entire letter written "Napoli de romanie" (Nauplion) to France. Τwo-line cachet "QER. GAL./ARM.DE MOREE", arr. "26.AVR.1829". Postage markings "8" (decimes) to be paid by the receiver. Disinfection slits. Very fine and rare.
Postal & Live Internet Auction 742 George Kotsis, Pre-adhesive Collection, Part V
By: A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 742 George Kotsis, Pre-adhesive Collection, Part V
Postal & Live Internet Auction 742
George Kotsis, Pre-adhesive Collection, Part V
9-Mar-2025 10:30:00
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Lot #3002 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Entire letter canc. "NEU ULM*6/11" to Wassertrudingen on letter sheet printed "Das Koninl.Bayer.12te Infanterie Regiment/vacant/Konig Otto von Griechenland" addressed to "an den Magistrat den Stadt". The letter is dated "Neu Ulm 6 November 1867", three months after King Ottos death. This Regiment formed in 1814 as Wurzburg, later "Prince Otto von Bayern Inf. Reg." and from 1832 "Koning Otto...". Very fine and rare.
Lot #3003 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Cover fr. with 1kr 1870-75 Bayern stamp (Michel 22) canc. "BAMBERG BAHN*14/9" (Railway Station) addressed to "Konigin Amalia von Griechenland". Very fine.
Lot #3004 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Official postage free letter written "Ελληνική Πoλιτεία/Ο Διοικητής Αρκαδίας" to Nafplion, numbered "220" and dated "30 Ιουνι 1832". Without postmarks, cachet "Ο ΠΡΟΣΩΡ. ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΠΑΡΧΙΑΣ ΑΡΚΑΔΙΑΣ". Very fine and rare.
Lot #3005 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Official entire letter printed "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ/ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΑ ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΩΝ/ΚΛΑΔΟΣ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟΥ", dated "εν Ναυπλίω την 29 7βρίου 1832", numbered "1152", signed by K. Zographosatos and addressed to "Προς τον αντιστράτηγον Π.Νοταράν/Φρουραρχείον ακροκορίνθου". On reverse cachet "ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΑ ΤΩΝ ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΩΝ". Very fine and rare.
Lot #3006 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Entire letter written "18 Νοεμβ 1834, Βόστιτζα", administrative cachet "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/ΕΠΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΑΙΓΙΑΛΕΙΑΣ", arr. "ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*20.ΝΟΕΜΒ.1834". Ex. Lascarides. Very fine and rare.
Lot #3007 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Entire letter written "Τρίπολις την 17 7βρίου 1834" canc. "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ*ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑ/ΑΡΚΑΔΙΑΣ" to Nafplion. Fine and rare.
Lot #3008 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Large part of cover canc. "BΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ*ΕΠΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ/ΗΛΙΔΟΣ" in blue to Nafplion. Handwritten "αρ:11/λ 10". Scarce.
Lot #3009 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Large part of entire letter, administrative cachet "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/ΕΠΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΚΟΡΙΝΘΙΑΣ", arr. "ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*23.ΟΚΤΟΜΒ.1834". Fine and scarce.
Lot #3010 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Large part of entire letter canc. "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/ΕΠΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΚΥΝΑΙΘΗΣ" to Nafplion. Fine.
Lot #3011 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Official postage free mail on letter sheet printed "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/Ο ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΗΣ ΑΤΤΙΚΗΣ" numbered "2848" and dated "5 Αυγούστου 1840". Without postmarks, cachet "ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΗΣ ΑΤΤΙΚΗΣ". Very fine and rare.
Lot #3012 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Official postage free cover with 2-line cachet "ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΗΣ ΛΑΚΕΔΑΙΜΩΝΟΣ" to Athens. On flap official wax seal "ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΗΣ ΛΑΚΕΔΑΙΜΩΝΟΣ" and Greek coat of arms. Fine and rare.
Lot #3013 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Official postage free cover with 2-line cachet "ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΗΣ ΛΑΚΩΝΙΑΣ" to Athens. Without postmarks, receivers details partly erased. Rare.
Lot #3014 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Official postage free cover canc. "ΣΥΡΑ*26.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1842" to Kythnos. Numbered "1658". On flap cachet "ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΗΣ ΣΥΡΟΥ".
Lot #3015 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Official postage free cover with 2-line cachet "ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΗΣ ΥΔΡΑΣ" (2 strikes) to Athens. Without postmarks. Receivers name erased. Rare.
Lot #3016 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Postage free cover to "Προς την Βασιλικήν Διοικησιν Καλαβρύτων", sender "Δημαρχία Αροανείας". Administrative "ΔΗΜΟΣ ΑΡΟΑΝΕΙΑΣ" in blue on reverse. Rare.
Lot #3017 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Military mail: Entire letter written "Σώμα Τακτικόν/4ον Τάγμα/Α 1,52-Αίγινα την 30 8βρίου 1832" addressed to the Commander of the garrison of Acrokorinthos, cancelled "4ΟΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΝ ΠΕΖΙΚΟΥ ΤΑΓΜΑ 1832". Maybe unique. A great rarity.
Lot #3018 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Official form "ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΙΣ ΑΠΟΔΕΙΞΕΩΣ ΠΑΡΑΛΑΒΗΣ" (Proof or receipt) dated "Εν Πειραιει τη 16 Μαρτίου 1844", negative cachet "ΕΠΙΣΤΑΣΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΥ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ", arr. "ΑΙΓΙΝΑ" (type I). Form filled by Alexabdros Contostavlos, later Minister of Finance. Very fine.
Lot #3019 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Entire letter canc. "CONSTANTINOPLE TURQUIE*25.JANV.1849" (French P.O.) to Athens. Transit post marks "ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*16.ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡ.1849", arr. "ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*16.ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡ.1849". Cachet "ΥΓΕΙΟΝΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ". Postage to be collected upon arrival "80" (lepta).
Lot #3020 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Entire letter handwritten "1850...Δονβραινα", boxed "ΔΤ 13" (Δόμβραινα - Θήβα), via "ΘΗΒΑΙ*28.ΣΕΠΤΕΜ.1850" (type II) and "ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*29.ΣΕΠΤΕΜ.1850", arr. "ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*1.ΟΚΤΩΒ.1850". ONLY TWO KNOWN with "ΘΗΒΑΙ" type II postmark, this is the one with municpal post cancellation. An item of the greatest rarity.
Lot #3021 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Entire letter written "Στυλίς Ιουνίου.11.1853" boxed municipal post canc. "ΔΤ30" (Στυλίς - Λαμία), via "ΛΑΜΙΑ*11.ΙΟΥΝΙ.1853" and "ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*13.ΙΟΥΝΙ.1853", arr. "ΣΥΡΟΣ*16.ΙΟΥΝ.1853". Fine and scarce.
Lot #3022 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Entire letter written "λεχαινά 31 10βρίου 1851" boxed municipal post canc "ΔΤ 111" (Λεχαινά - Κυλλήνη) via "ΚΥΛΛΗΝΗ" (type I), arr. "ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*2.ΙΑΝΟΥ.1852". Very fine and rare.
Lot #3023 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Entire letter written "λιγουδίστα την 12 8ρίου 1851", boxed municipal post cancellation "ΔΤ151" (Λιγουδίστα - Κυπαρισσία), via "ΚΥΠΑΡΙΣΣΙΑ*13.ΝΟΕΜ.58", arr. "ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*17.ΝΟΕΜ.58" (postmarks type III). Written by pen at top, still fine and scace.
Lot #3024 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Entire letter written "Δημητσάνα την 6 9βριου 1854" with illegible Municipal post canc. (probably "141" (=Δημητσάνα-Καρύταινα), via "ΚΑΡΥΤΑΙΝΑ*8.ΝΟΕΜ.1854" (type II), arr. "ΤΡΙΠΟΛΙΣ". Fine and rare.
Lot #3025 - POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS - Pre-adhesive cancellations
GREECE: Entire letter canc. "ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*7.ΟΚΤΟΜ.1845", boxed "ΔΠ", arr. "CORFU*22.OTT.45". Postage paid "70" (lepta). Very fine.
A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos are experienced auctioneers of Philatelic, Numismatic and Post Card. We are specialists in the stamps and postal history of Greece, Greek Errors, New Greek Territories, Levant,... Read More
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