palau - Stamp Auctions

Lot 16318 - palau 1990-94 - Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #77 worldwide Collections

A small mint(mainly u.m.) group with nice thematoic content incl.birds. Very clean lot (14 + min sheet & 2 sheetlets) Cat £42 (Start Price = £16.80)

Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #77 worldwide Collections

palau 1990-94

Lot 16319 - palau 1991-94 - Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #77 worldwide Collections

WWII: Sheetlets of 10 stamps showing Pacific Theatre of War & the Normandy Landings. Very fine unmounted mint Cat £50 (Start Price = £16.80)

Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #77 worldwide Collections

palau 1991-94

Lot 16316 - palau 1985-2003 - Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #77 worldwide Collections

AIRCRAFT/FLIGHT: An unmounted mint collection on 12 Stock pages, all in sets or sheetlets/min sheets, only one duplicate sheetlet, very fresh & fine lot Cat £170 (Start Price = £67.20)

Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #77 worldwide Collections

palau 1985-2003

Lot 16317 - palau 1989-96 - Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #77 worldwide Collections

SPACE: An unmounted mint collection on stock pages all Space related subjects - Apollo, John Glenn, Mars Pathfinder, Hubble telescope, Viking to Mars, etc. Sheetlets & singles. A super lot for the Space thematic collector. Cat £200 (Start Price = £75.20)

Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #77 worldwide Collections

palau 1989-96
Lot 21610 - palau  -  Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #46 Collections Worldwide

Lot 21610 - palau - Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #46 Collections Worldwide

Palau: 2000/2004. Nice collection with imperforate mint, nh, issues, which were often never offered
2000/2004. Nice collection with imperforate mint, nh, issues, which were often never offered yet in an auction. Available are about 133 mint, nh, imperforate stamps and about 14 imperforate souvenir/miniature sheets. A rare offer and an interesting addition to any Palau collection. The collection can be well detailed! ÷ 2000/2004. Nette Sammlung mit ungezähnten postfrischen Ausgaben, die vielfach noch nie in einer Auktion angeboten wurden. Vorhanden sind etwa 133 postfrische ungezähnte Marken sowie etwa 14 ungezähnte Blockausgaben. Ein seltenes Angebot und eine interessante Ergänzung jeder Palau-Sammlung. Die Sammlung lässt sich auch gut detaillieren!
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Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #46 Collections Worldwide

Lot 21611 - palau  -  Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #46 Collections Worldwide

Lot 21611 - palau - Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #46 Collections Worldwide

Palau: 2004/2009. You will probably never have seen such a collection on offer before. It contains a
2004/2009. You will probably never have seen such a collection on offer before. It contains about 125 different mint, nh, imperforate stamps and 12 imperforate souvenir/miniature sheets. The edition of these stamps is partially very small, so that from some issues only few pieces exist! ÷ 2004/2009. Eine solche Sammlung werden Sie vermutlich noch nie im Angebot gesehen haben. Sie beinhaltet etwa 125 verschiedene postfrische ungezähnte Marken sowie 12 ungezähnte Blockausgaben. Die Auflage dieser Marken ist teilweise sehr klein, so dass von einigen Ausgaben nur wenige Stücke existent sind!
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Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #46 Collections Worldwide

Lot 25630 - palau  -  Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #45Collections Worldwide

Lot 25630 - palau - Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #45Collections Worldwide

Palau: 2004/2009. You will probably never have seen such a collection on offer before. It contains a
2004/2009. You will probably never have seen such a collection on offer before. It contains about 125 different mint, nh, imperforate stamps and 12 imperforate souvenir/miniature sheets. The edition of these stamps is partially very small, so that from some issues only few pieces exist! ÷ 2004/2009. Eine solche Sammlung werden Sie vermutlich noch nie im Angebot gesehen haben. Sie beinhaltet etwa 125 verschiedene postfrische ungezähnte Marken sowie 12 ungezähnte Blockausgaben. Die Auflage dieser Marken ist teilweise sehr klein, so dass von einigen Ausgaben nur wenige Stücke existent sind!
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Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #45Collections Worldwide

Lot 25628 - palau  -  Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #45Collections Worldwide

Lot 25628 - palau - Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #45Collections Worldwide

Palau: 1985, accumulation with about 130 pre-stamped ENVELOPES and POSTCARDS in four different types
1985, accumulation with about 130 pre-stamped ENVELOPES and POSTCARDS in four different types and sizes with mostly attractive thematic issues etc., majority unused with a few fine used with FD cancels, high cat. and retail value!
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Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #45Collections Worldwide

Lot 25629 - palau  -  Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #45Collections Worldwide

Lot 25629 - palau - Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #45Collections Worldwide

Palau: 2000/2004. Nice collection with imperforate mint, nh, issues, which were often never offered
2000/2004. Nice collection with imperforate mint, nh, issues, which were often never offered yet in an auction. Available are about 133 mint, nh, imperforate stamps and about 14 imperforate souvenir/miniature sheets. A rare offer and an interesting addition to any Palau collection. The collection can be well detailed! ÷ 2000/2004. Nette Sammlung mit ungezähnten postfrischen Ausgaben, die vielfach noch nie in einer Auktion angeboten wurden. Vorhanden sind etwa 133 postfrische ungezähnte Marken sowie etwa 14 ungezähnte Blockausgaben. Ein seltenes Angebot und eine interessante Ergänzung jeder Palau-Sammlung. Die Sammlung lässt sich auch gut detaillieren!
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Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #45Collections Worldwide

Lot 29602 - palau  -  Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #44 Collections Overseas, Europe

Lot 29602 - palau - Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #44 Collections Overseas, Europe

Palau: 1985, accumulation with about 130 pre-stamped ENVELOPES and POSTCARDS in four different types
1985, accumulation with about 130 pre-stamped ENVELOPES and POSTCARDS in four different types and sizes with mostly attractive thematic issues etc., majority unused with a few fine used with FD cancels, high cat. and retail value!
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Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #44 Collections Overseas, Europe
