netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Stamp Auctions

Lot 5 - netherlands and former territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

collectie 1852-2010 gestempeld in overwegend mooie kwaliteit, hoofdnummers compleet incl. 61b-61c, roltanding (excl. 32), port met 67a-68b, dienst, luchtpost en postbewijs in 5 klembanden

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
Lot 13 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands -  Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

Lot 13 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

puntstempels, collectie tussen 1-258 op diverse waarden en emissies w.b. betere kantoren en mooie afdrukken, totaal ca. 2000 stuks in deels gemengde kwaliteit in album

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 33 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

collectie 1869-1984 */** w.b. nrs. 203-269 ** compleet in 2 albums

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
Lot 44 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands -  Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

Lot 44 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

postgeschiedenis Alkmaar 1786-ca.1870. 90 poststukken tentoonstellingsmatig opgezet met deskundige beschrijving w.b. cursief Alkmaar in types, Massan ALKMAAR (3x 1810-1811), departement 118 Helder (1811), 3x 118 ALKMAAR (1812), rood Déb. 118 Hoorn (1834 zwart uit 1828, distributie Schagerbrug, Stolperburg (ovaalstempel en naamstempel), scheepspost, spoorwegpost, ovaal afgeschreven Schagen en enkele ex. gefrankeerd, in 2 cassettes. Zie selectie

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 8 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

collectie 1852-1990, nrs. 1-29 gestempeld (12 * en nagegomd) overig * met veel nagegomd en ** in 4 albums

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 28 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

collectie 1864-1894 uitgebreide collectie w.b. tandingen, stempels, port (types en tandingen), postbewijs, telegram etc. mooi opgezet op blanco bladen in ringband

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 39 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

(*)/*/** tussen 1876-1949 w.b. veel beter materiaal o.a. 44, 49 (3x), 130-131, Van Konijnenburg, Tralie (3x), En Face etc. in insteekboek

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
Lot 2 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands -  Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

Lot 2 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

kleinrondstempels, mooie collectie postkantoren, hulp- en bijkantoren op diverse waarden en emissies met vele betere stempels in iets gemengde kwaliteit w.b. Brantgum, Cornjum, Echteld, Hekelingen, Moerkapelle, Nijkerk (Fr:), Schore, Viane (Zeel:), Amsterd:Houtmanka:, Haarlem RPSB, Rotterd:Tulpstr: etc., totaal ruim 1400 ex. keurig opgezet in ringband

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 19 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

ruim 2500 poststukken met blokstempels, veel verschillende route letters en cijfers, in 4 bakken in grote doos

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
Lot 50 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands -  Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

Lot 50 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

ruim 150 briefkaarten 5 en 5+5 cent Willem III ongebruikt en gebruikt met types, plaatfoutjes, stempels, expresse, veel bijfrankeringen naar buitenland w.b. Argentinië, Brazilië, Mexico, Brits-Indië, Ned.-Indië, Japan, Hongkong (en enkele zonder bijfrankering met port belast), veel teruggestuurde antwoordkaarten, etc., deels gemengde kwaliteit. Interessante koop! Zie selectie

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands