Membres peuvent sauvegarder recherches
Cancellations of ""ΣΥΡΟΣ"" type III on 20 lep. and 1 Dr. Small Hermes heads
Cancellation ""ΑΓΑ 14 ΑΠΡ.900"" type V",on 20ep.
Cancellation of ""ΝΑΥΣΤΑΘΜΟΣ"" type III on 20 lep. Small Hermes head
Cancellations ""ΜΥΚΟΝΟΣ"" type IV on 3 different values.
Cancellation of ""ΚΑΣΤΡΙ"" type II on 20 lep. Small Hermes head
Cancellation ""68"" (=ΚΕΑ) type I on 5lep.
Small collection of cancellations of ""ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ"" type I (5)",type II (6) and type IIa (3)
Cancellation ""99"" (=ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ) type I on 5lep.
Small collection of ""AΘΗΝΑΙ"" cancellations type VI on Small Hermes Heads
Cancellation ""85"" (=ΣΚΟΠΕΛΟΣ) type I on 10lep.