Membres peuvent sauvegarder recherches
Rural dotted cancellation "201" and "ΤHΛ.ΓΡ,ΚΑΤΟΥΝΗΣ 26 ΦΕΒ.20" on short letter to Aitolikon
Cancellation "KΡΙΤΣΑ (ΚΡΗΤΗΣ)" type V on 1 lep.
Cancellation "ΦΙΛΙΠΠΙΑΣ" type V on short letter written in "Πέντε Πηγάδια" village 24/11/912
Cancellation "ΚΑΡΒΟΥΝΑΔΕΣ" type V (Kythira island) on partially damaged fragment
Cancellation "ΜΠΕΖΕΝΙΚΟΣ" type V on 10 lep. R!
Railway cancellation "ΠΑΤΡΑΙ-ΠΥΡΓΟΣ" on PC to Germany
Cancellation "ΑΓΓΕΛΟΚΑΣΤΡΟΝ (ΜΕΣΟΛΟΓΓΙΟΥ)" type V on 5 lep.
Cancellation "ZOYNATION" type V on 10 lep.
Cancellation "ΒΛΑΧΙΩΤΗ" type V on 5 lep. in pair
Cancellation "ΑΓ. ΤΡΙΑΣ (ΕΥΡΥΤΑΝΙΑΣ)" type V on 5 lep.