1860s-1970s - Stamp Auctions

Lot 14 - General - British Empire 1860s-1970s - UPA UPA Auction UPA 93

Accumulation in a large stock book(many 100s) inc Nyasaland 1938 5s,10s mint, Pahang 1950 $2,$5 mint, 1957-62 $5(6) mint, Perlis 1951-5 set to $5 mint, 1957 set to $5 mint, Pitcairn Is, Seychelles inc 1935 SJ set mint and used, duplicated GVI inc 1R green, two mint, one used, Sierra Leone 1935 SJ four mint sets, 1938-44 to £1 two mint sets, Singapore 1969 Founding set mint, Somaliland 1938 set mint, Straits Settlements from 1867, Sudan 1948 S.G. 50P red and blue fine used block of four, Trengganu 1948 set to $5 mint, Uganda 1965 Birds set mint. A GOOD LOT in mainly fine condition HEAVY/OVERSIZE LOT - OVERSEAS SHIPPING SURCHARGE APPLIES. {CC} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £320.00)

UPA UPA Auction UPA 93

General - British Empire 1860s-1970s

Lot 20107 - General - Balkans 1860s-1970s - UPA UPA Sale #81 worldwide Collections

Box with a diverse and extensive accumulation of Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia in 5 stockbooks and on stock pages. Including Greece from Hermes to 1950s in 3 well filled stockbooks, mostly f.u. with duplication. Additional Greece on a large pile of stockpages and a hagner with Hermes heads (46) . Another stockbook of mainly middle period Romania with better sets and part sets (cat £550). Also Yugoslavia in a thin stockbook and on stockcards mint and used. Few 1000s with much to sort. HEAVY/OVERSIZE LOT - OVERSEAS SHIPPING SURCHARGE APPLIES. (Start Price = £144.00)

UPA UPA Sale #81 worldwide Collections

General - Balkans 1860s-1970s

Lot 2071 - british guiana 1860s-1970s - Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #77 worldwide Collections

EXTENSIVE COLLECTION on leaves. Starts with good ranges of early types, inc ranges of early Ship types to 24c (unchecked),1862 Postmaster signed 2c, 4cx2, 1882 Perfined 1c, 1876 to 24c, 1882 to 8c x2, Surcharges, 1889 Ships to 72c, Surcharges, KGV ranges inc. 1934-51 Pictorials to 60c m.m.& to 60c c.d.s., KGVI many better perfs.shades to $2 x 3 m.m.& to $1 c.d.s., later inc. 1954 to W/Lowe $5 u.m.others to $5 & $10. Few faults among earlies are ignored in valuation.Others m.m.or u.m.or f.u.(few 100s) [US4] (Start Price = £309.60)

Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #77 worldwide Collections

british guiana 1860s-1970s

Lot 20 - General - British Commonwealth 1860s-1970s - Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #77 worldwide Collections

FINE USED COLLECTION on stockcards. Inc. SAMOA nice KGV-KGVI, SOUTHERN NIGERIA inc.KEVII to 2/6d,NIGERIA inc.1914-29 to 10/-,1921-32 to 1/-,1936 to 2/6d,KGVI to 5/-,S/Wedding,NTH.RHODESIA KGV to 2/6d,KGVI to 5/-,NYASALAND 'B.C.A.' ovpts.to 2/-,1895 to 6d,1877 to 2/6d,1901 vals.,1913 vals.1921-33 to 2/-,1934-5 to 1/-,S/Jub.vals.to 1/-,KGVI to 5/-,QEII to £1,RHODESIA QV to high vals.1895 to 4/-,1896-7 to 4/-,later to £5 Fiscal, Double Heads & Admirals.ST.HELENA Imperf.& Perf.QV ranges.1890-7 to 10d,Later ship types,ST.CHRISTOPHER nice QV vals.NEVIS 1862 to 1/-,1866-76 to 1/-,later QV,ST.KITTS KGVI to 2/6d,ST.LUCIA 1860 Wmk.Star (1d) & (6d), 1863 (4d),(6d) Wmk.Reversed, 1869-71 vals.1882 to 4d, 1883-6 to 1/-, 1891-8 to 1/-1902-3 to 1/-,1904-10 to 1/-x2,later inc.KGVI to 10/-,QEII to $2.50,ST.VINCENT inc.1861-8 4d,1/-,1872 (June) Small Star 1/-, 1872-8 to 6d,1880 to 6d, later QV to 1/-,1902 to 2/-,KGV to 1/-,later to h/vals.SARAWAK QV to 12c,1895 to 8c,1899-1908 to 25c,1918-9 to 25c,1932 to 10c,1934 to $3,later to $5.SEYCHELLES solid ranges of QV to h/vals.Surcharges,1903 to 18c,1906 to 45c,1912-6 to R2.25, KGV to R2.25,SIERRA LEONE ranges of QV to 1/-,& 2/-1903 to 2/-,1904 to 1/-,1912-21 to 2/-1921-7 to 2/-,1932 to 10/-.SINGAPORE KGVI to $10,1955-9 to $5. SOMALILAND QV ovpts.to 1R,1912 vals.CAPE OF G.HOPE Triangulars to 6d x 2,1/-.later QV to 5/-,KEVII to 5/-,GRIQUALAND WEST various 'G' ovpts.to 5/-,NATAL much QV to 1/- vals.1902-3 to 5/-,1904-8 to £1,ORANGE FREE STATE ranges to 5/-,TRANSVAAL 1878-80 to 1/-,1902-17 to 1/-,1904-9 to £1, etc.ZULULAND GB ovptd.vals to 6d,later to 1/-,SUDAN 1895 to 10P,1902-21 to 10P, solid later to top vals.Airs.SOUTH AFRICA KGV to 10/-,Coils,1926-7 pairs to 6d,later to 10/-,Airs.SOUTHERN RHODESIA kgvi TO 5/-,Qeii to 5/-,S.W.A.pairs to 10/-.TRINIDAD 1855 (1d), 1859 SG 28,6d, 1/- Lilac (?), later QV to 5/-,1896-1906 to £1,1901 to 5/-,nice KGVi,inc.S-Jub.later to $4.80,TURKS 1867-79 vals.to 1/-, later QV to 1/-,KGV to 2/-.UGANDA QV to 1R, HONG KONG 1862-3 to 12c,1863-71 to 30c,28c on 30c,later QV inc.surchs.1904-6 to $1, KGV to $5, later to $10.INDIA Imperfs.to 4a, solid later QV to 5R,KEVII to 5R, KGV to 10R & 15R,KGVI to 10R, Then extensive ranges of Convention State ovptd.to hgh vals.etc etc. Some minor faults here & there, but generally clean-looking lot.All good to fine used.Very high cat.value(Many 100s). HEAVY LOT - OVERSEAS BIDDERS PLEASE ENQUIRE FOR SHIPPING COSTS [US4] (Start Price = £2,578.40)

Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #77 worldwide Collections

General - British Commonwealth 1860s-1970s

Lot 12500 - jamaica 1860s-1970s - Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #76 worldwide Collections

COLLECTION on leaves starts with nice ranges of QV inc. Pineapple Wmk.many shades to 1/- x 5, 1870-83 Wmk.CC to 2/- m.m.+ to 2/- f.u., 1883-97 shades to 1/- f.u., 1890 2½d on 4d c.d.s., 1889-91 set, Good ranged of KEVII Arms types to 6d x 2 m.m.+ others to 6d f.u., 1905-10 QV Heads to 1/- m.m.+ to 2/- x 3 c.d.s., 1912-20 shades to 1/- x 5, 2/-, many War Stamp issues, 1919-21 Pictorials to 1/-, 1921-9 Script Wmk. similar to 3/- m.m.+ others to 3/- c.d.s., 1932 Pictorial set m.m., ranges of KGVI Shades/Perfs.to £1 + some useful QEII to high vals. Few minor faults but generally clean m.m.or u.m. or f.u. High cat. value.(Few 100s) [US3] (Start Price = £300.00)

Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #76 worldwide Collections

jamaica 1860s-1970s

Lot 1971 - british guiana 1860s-1970s - Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #76 worldwide Collections

EXTENSIVE COLLECTION on leaves. Starts with good ranges of early types, inc ranges of early Ship types to 24c (unchecked),1862 Postmaster signed 2c, 4cx2, 1882 Perfined 1c, 1876 to 24c, 1882 to 8c x2, Surcharges, 1889 Ships to 72c, Surcharges, KGV ranges inc. 1934-51 Pictorials to 60c m.m.& to 60c c.d.s., KGVI many better perfs.shades to $2 x 3 m.m.& to $1 c.d.s., later inc. 1954 to W/Lowe $5 u.m.others to $5 & $10. Few faults among earlies are ignored in valuation.Others m.m.or u.m.or f.u.(few 100s) [US3] (Start Price = £360.00)

Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #76 worldwide Collections

british guiana 1860s-1970s

Lot 20 - General - British Commonwealth 1860s-1970s - Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #76 worldwide Collections

FINE USED COLLECTION on stockcards. Inc. SAMOA nice KGV-KGVI, SOUTHERN NIGERIA inc.KEVII to 2/6d,NIGERIA inc.1914-29 to 10/-,1921-32 to 1/-,1936 to 2/6d,KGVI to 5/-,S/Wedding,NTH.RHODESIA KGV to 2/6d,KGVI to 5/-,NYASALAND 'B.C.A.' ovpts.to 2/-,1895 to 6d,1877 to 2/6d,1901 vals.,1913 vals.1921-33 to 2/-,1934-5 to 1/-,S/Jub.vals.to 1/-,KGVI to 5/-,QEII to £1,RHODESIA QV to high vals.1895 to 4/-,1896-7 to 4/-,later to £5 Fiscal, Double Heads & Admirals.ST.HELENA Imperf.& Perf.QV ranges.1890-7 to 10d,Later ship types,ST.CHRISTOPHER nice QV vals.NEVIS 1862 to 1/-,1866-76 to 1/-,later QV,ST.KITTS KGVI to 2/6d,ST.LUCIA 1860 Wmk.Star (1d) & (6d), 1863 (4d),(6d) Wmk.Reversed, 1869-71 vals.1882 to 4d, 1883-6 to 1/-, 1891-8 to 1/-1902-3 to 1/-,1904-10 to 1/-x2,later inc.KGVI to 10/-,QEII to $2.50,ST.VINCENT inc.1861-8 4d,1/-,1872 (June) Small Star 1/-, 1872-8 to 6d,1880 to 6d, later QV to 1/-,1902 to 2/-,KGV to 1/-,later to h/vals.SARAWAK QV to 12c,1895 to 8c,1899-1908 to 25c,1918-9 to 25c,1932 to 10c,1934 to $3,later to $5.SEYCHELLES solid ranges of QV to h/vals.Surcharges,1903 to 18c,1906 to 45c,1912-6 to R2.25, KGV to R2.25,SIERRA LEONE ranges of QV to 1/-,& 2/-1903 to 2/-,1904 to 1/-,1912-21 to 2/-1921-7 to 2/-,1932 to 10/-.SINGAPORE KGVI to $10,1955-9 to $5. SOMALILAND QV ovpts.to 1R,1912 vals.CAPE OF G.HOPE Triangulars to 6d x 2,1/-.later QV to 5/-,KEVII to 5/-,GRIQUALAND WEST various 'G' ovpts.to 5/-,NATAL much QV to 1/- vals.1902-3 to 5/-,1904-8 to £1,ORANGE FREE STATE ranges to 5/-,TRANSVAAL 1878-80 to 1/-,1902-17 to 1/-,1904-9 to £1, etc.ZULULAND GB ovptd.vals to 6d,later to 1/-,SUDAN 1895 to 10P,1902-21 to 10P, solid later to top vals.Airs.SOUTH AFRICA KGV to 10/-,Coils,1926-7 pairs to 6d,later to 10/-,Airs.SOUTHERN RHODESIA kgvi TO 5/-,Qeii to 5/-,S.W.A.pairs to 10/-.TRINIDAD 1855 (1d), 1859 SG 28,6d, 1/- Lilac (?), later QV to 5/-,1896-1906 to £1,1901 to 5/-,nice KGVi,inc.S-Jub.later to $4.80,TURKS 1867-79 vals.to 1/-, later QV to 1/-,KGV to 2/-.UGANDA QV to 1R, HONG KONG 1862-3 to 12c,1863-71 to 30c,28c on 30c,later QV inc.surchs.1904-6 to $1, KGV to $5, later to $10.INDIA Imperfs.to 4a, solid later QV to 5R,KEVII to 5R, KGV to 10R & 15R,KGVI to 10R, Then extensive ranges of Convention State ovptd.to hgh vals.etc etc. Some minor faults here & there, but generally clean-looking lot.All good to fine used.Very high cat.value(Many 100s). HEAVY LOT - OVERSEAS BIDDERS PLEASE ENQUIRE FOR SHIPPING COSTS [US3] (Start Price = £2,998.40)

Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #76 worldwide Collections

General - British Commonwealth 1860s-1970s

Lot 12938 - jamaica 1860s-1970s - Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #75

COLLECTION on leaves starts with nice ranges of QV inc. Pineapple Wmk.many shades to 1/- x 5, 1870-83 Wmk.CC to 2/- m.m.+ to 2/- f.u., 1883-97 shades to 1/- f.u., 1890 2½d on 4d c.d.s., 1889-91 set, Good ranged of KEVII Arms types to 6d x 2 m.m.+ others to 6d f.u., 1905-10 QV Heads to 1/- m.m.+ to 2/- x 3 c.d.s., 1912-20 shades to 1/- x 5, 2/-, many War Stamp issues, 1919-21 Pictorials to 1/-, 1921-9 Script Wmk. similar to 3/- m.m.+ others to 3/- c.d.s., 1932 Pictorial set m.m., ranges of KGVI Shades/Perfs.to £1 + some useful QEII to high vals. Few minor faults but generally clean m.m.or u.m. or f.u. High cat. value.(Few 100s) [US2] (Start Price = £344.80)

UPA UPA Sale #75 | Unsold lots at reserve prices (80% of estimate)

jamaica 1860s-1970s

Lot 2107 - british guiana 1860s-1970s - Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #75

EXTENSIVE COLLECTION on leaves. Starts with good ranges of early types, inc ranges of early Ship types to 24c (unchecked),1862 Postmaster signed 2c, 4cx2, 1882 Perfined 1c, 1876 to 24c, 1882 to 8c x2, Surcharges, 1889 Ships to 72c, Surcharges, KGV ranges inc. 1934-51 Pictorials to 60c m.m.& to 60c c.d.s., KGVI many better perfs.shades to $2 x 3 m.m.& to $1 c.d.s., later inc. 1954 to W/Lowe $5 u.m.others to $5 & $10. Few faults among earlies are ignored in valuation.Others m.m.or u.m.or f.u.(few 100s) [US2] (Start Price = £413.60)

UPA UPA Sale #75 | Unsold lots at reserve prices (80% of estimate)

british guiana 1860s-1970s

Lot 26 - General - British Commonwealth 1860s-1970s - Universal Philatelic Auctions Sale #75

FINE USED COLLECTION on stockcards. Inc. SAMOA nice KGV-KGVI, SOUTHERN NIGERIA inc.KEVII to 2/6d,NIGERIA inc.1914-29 to 10/-,1921-32 to 1/-,1936 to 2/6d,KGVI to 5/-,S/Wedding,NTH.RHODESIA KGV to 2/6d,KGVI to 5/-,NYASALAND 'B.C.A.' ovpts.to 2/-,1895 to 6d,1877 to 2/6d,1901 vals.,1913 vals.1921-33 to 2/-,1934-5 to 1/-,S/Jub.vals.to 1/-,KGVI to 5/-,QEII to £1,RHODESIA QV to high vals.1895 to 4/-,1896-7 to 4/-,later to £5 Fiscal, Double Heads & Admirals.ST.HELENA Imperf.& Perf.QV ranges.1890-7 to 10d,Later ship types,ST.CHRISTOPHER nice QV vals.NEVIS 1862 to 1/-,1866-76 to 1/-,later QV,ST.KITTS KGVI to 2/6d,ST.LUCIA 1860 Wmk.Star (1d) & (6d), 1863 (4d),(6d) Wmk.Reversed, 1869-71 vals.1882 to 4d, 1883-6 to 1/-, 1891-8 to 1/-1902-3 to 1/-,1904-10 to 1/-x2,later inc.KGVI to 10/-,QEII to $2.50,ST.VINCENT inc.1861-8 4d,1/-,1872 (June) Small Star 1/-, 1872-8 to 6d,1880 to 6d, later QV to 1/-,1902 to 2/-,KGV to 1/-,later to h/vals.SARAWAK QV to 12c,1895 to 8c,1899-1908 to 25c,1918-9 to 25c,1932 to 10c,1934 to $3,later to $5.SEYCHELLES solid ranges of QV to h/vals.Surcharges,1903 to 18c,1906 to 45c,1912-6 to R2.25, KGV to R2.25,SIERRA LEONE ranges of QV to 1/-,& 2/-1903 to 2/-,1904 to 1/-,1912-21 to 2/-1921-7 to 2/-,1932 to 10/-.SINGAPORE KGVI to $10,1955-9 to $5. SOMALILAND QV ovpts.to 1R,1912 vals.CAPE OF G.HOPE Triangulars to 6d x 2,1/-.later QV to 5/-,KEVII to 5/-,GRIQUALAND WEST various 'G' ovpts.to 5/-,NATAL much QV to 1/- vals.1902-3 to 5/-,1904-8 to £1,ORANGE FREE STATE ranges to 5/-,TRANSVAAL 1878-80 to 1/-,1902-17 to 1/-,1904-9 to £1, etc.ZULULAND GB ovptd.vals to 6d,later to 1/-,SUDAN 1895 to 10P,1902-21 to 10P, solid later to top vals.Airs.SOUTH AFRICA KGV to 10/-,Coils,1926-7 pairs to 6d,later to 10/-,Airs.SOUTHERN RHODESIA kgvi TO 5/-,Qeii to 5/-,S.W.A.pairs to 10/-.TRINIDAD 1855 (1d), 1859 SG 28,6d, 1/- Lilac (?), later QV to 5/-,1896-1906 to £1,1901 to 5/-,nice KGVi,inc.S-Jub.later to $4.80,TURKS 1867-79 vals.to 1/-, later QV to 1/-,KGV to 2/-.UGANDA QV to 1R, HONG KONG 1862-3 to 12c,1863-71 to 30c,28c on 30c,later QV inc.surchs.1904-6 to $1, KGV to $5, later to $10.INDIA Imperfs.to 4a, solid later QV to 5R,KEVII to 5R, KGV to 10R & 15R,KGVI to 10R, Then extensive ranges of Convention State ovptd.to hgh vals.etc etc. Some minor faults here & there, but generally clean-looking lot.All good to fine used.Very high cat.value(Many 100s). HEAVY LOT - OVERSEAS BIDDERS PLEASE ENQUIRE FOR SHIPPING COSTS [US2] (Start Price = £3,446.40)

UPA UPA Sale #75 | Unsold lots at reserve prices (80% of estimate)

General - British Commonwealth 1860s-1970s