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Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd.

lot # 186 - 1948 jerusalem

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023 20:00 Asia/Jerusalem

Hadassah Hospital Mt. Scopus - after the 13.4.48 disaster (78 people were murdered in the Arab attack on the convoy) very few convoys were arranged. In the beginning of May the medical staff of the hospital was very limited. Offered is a commerc cv to Affula ex "Hadassah Hospital Internal Medicene Dept.", Jerusalem, frank Palest. 10m (#97) tied by  Jerus M. Ha'am pmk used 9 May (FD of pmk) to 14 May (stp demonetized); fire damage top right of cv, fine, same corresp. (& damage) as our lot #1200 in 21 auction (3/2001)



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