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lot # 3317 - united states postal history Stampless Covers - Free Franks

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021 10:00 America/New_York

Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814; US Politician and Diplomat), "free E Gerry" frank (as Vice President) on folded cover letter written in his hand addressed to Ann Gerry, Cambridge, Massachusetts, docketing on the back " Washington letter, E. Gerry Esqr. V. President of the U. States April 2d 1814", file fold left center, small stain in the top left corner, still FinernA signer of the Declaration of Independence and fifth vice president of the United States (1813-14) in the second term of Pres. James Madison. He was also a member of Congress (1783-85) under the Articles of Confederation and a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia (1787). He was an outspoken opponent of ratification of the Constitution, fearing that it might give way to aristocratic or monarchical rule. However, he gave it his full support after its ratification and helped draft the Bill of Rights. After four attempts to win election as governor of Massachusetts, Gerry succeeded in 1810 and was reelected in 1811. His administration was notable for its use of what became known as gerrymandering, the division of electoral districts for partisan political advantage.Sale 3054: Session 3 - United States Stamps and Covers

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H.R. Harmer

H.R. Harmer was founded in 1918 by Henry Revell Harmer of London. In 1940, the firm opened its New York auction gallery and quickly ascended to the top ranks of philatelic auction houses... Read More

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