Subastas Terminadas

David Feldman S.A.

lot # 51581 - morocco agencies (british post offices)

Saturday Jun 22, 2024 10:00 Europe/Zurich

1914-35 accumulation in large stockbook, mostly mint, roughly arranged by printing and zone. British incl. Waterlow 2s6d x 4, a fine range of 22 DLR and 10 Bradbury (noted one example with the 'Nissen' re-entry with Cert). 7 x 5s also, with some re-engraved including 18 x 5s. From the Spanish Zone, 60 or so 2s6d, 19 x 5s and 7 each of Waterlow and DLR 10s. A substantial quantity from the French Zone also, some used, the odd block etc. Mostly fine mint examples, a little untidy but with in excess of £14'000 catalogue value, a good, substantial lot.


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