
Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 507 - brit. colonies singapore

Tuesday May 26, 2015 09:00 to Saturday May 30, 2015 16:00 Europe/Zurich
Last date for bids: 
May 26, 08:00 CEST

Singapore to Rome 1879 (April 16): Two autographed lettersheets in Italian (without outer lettersheet), eight pages fully  written up by the Roman Noble Giulio Grazioli-Lante Rovere (1849-1933), in Singapore on his way to China, attended by his Brother Mario (1848-1939). After a successful 'big game' hunting season in Afghanistan, India, Kashmir, Tibet and Ceylon, he lists all his hunting trophies: 4 tigers, 20 bears, 30 buffaloes, 1 elephant, 2 rhinoceros, approx. 35 pigs, 4 antilopes, more than 80 deer, 2 crocodiles, 1 wild donkey, etc. After his stay on Java and in Singapore they planned to continue their journey to Beijing, Japan and America: "...toccando la Cocincina. Nei pochi mesi che ci restano visiteremo quel che potremo della Cina, compreso Pekino, quindi il Giappone ed un poco di America.... da semplici turisti." An interesting document about Hunting and Travelling.
196: OVERSEAS A - Z, incl. China, Saudi Arabia, USA
