1850/94: Auswahl von 59 Marken resp. Briefstücken mit klaren und teils sehr seltenen Abstempelungen, dabei HALICZ Galizien, SADAGURA Strahlenstp. Bukowina, bekränzter Stempel von SUCHA Galizien, ZNAIM Strahlenstp. '1576', TRIEST RECOM und drei weitere rote RECOMMANDIERT - Stempel, alle auf Werten der Ausgabe 1850 Handpapier, sowie idealer ovaler Datumsstp. KASCHAU RECOMMANDIRT Ungarn auf 1864 5 Kreuzer. Eine aussergewöhnlich attraktive...
Auction Series 257-264 in Zurich Day 3
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction Series 257-264 in Zurich Day 3
High-class philatelic material at Corinphila Auctions in Zurich
Rarities from all areas of philately are on offer, including the ‘Greifensee cover’, probably the most important cover of classic Swiss philately.
From 25 to 30 January 2021 Corinphila Auctions will offer for sale a very unusual range of material. The high-quality material being offered will be presented in no less than eight luxury auction catalogues.
The auction begins with high-quality offers from South American countries. The Brian Moorhouse Estate (Part 3) is notable for its wide variety of South American collecting areas from A (as in Argentina) to V (as in Venezuela). Especially impressive are the many proofs of various issues from classic to middle-period. Particularly well represented are Argentina, Brazil (including Lot 3137, the famous pair of the 600 Reis “Goat’s Eye” issue of 1844, in an unused pair from the Maurice Burrus collection, starting price CHF 5,000), Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala classics with the rarest covers and proofs, Honduras, Mexico and Uruguay.
The first part of the most important specialised collection of the first issue of Ecuador of 1865 in existence will be offered for sale under the name ‘Guayaquil’. Almost all the important items of this collecting area are in the collection. Particularly outstanding is the more attractive of only two known registered covers with the first issue (Lot 4071; starting price CHF 20,000).
A fine range of the classic issues of Peru will come up for sale in the main catalogue of the Corinphila auction series. Among these are also many stamps from the issues produced in continuous rolls on the ‘Lecoq’ printing press. Particularly appealing is an unused strip of five of the 5 centavos of 1870 showing the ‘new’ railway from Lima to Callao. The ‘Trencito’ , ‘the little train, as collectors later called the stamp, was intended for letters carried on this new railway line. To make endless rolls of the stamp, the ends of the lengths of paper were simply glued together! This is clearly visible here on the fourth stamp in the strip (Lot 156, starting price CHF 750).
Europe is represented with a wide range of material from the Pietro Provera collection. The emphasis is on Italy and France. The outstandingly good quality of the classic stamps and covers, for which this collector was well-known, is particularly impressive. For many years, "Provera quality" was a term used for top-quality philatelic material in many countries. For example, there is a cover with France’s first issue of 1849, a very rare tête-bêche pair of the 20 centimes on cover (Lot 5141, starting price CHF 5,000). Or a four-colour franking of Sicily with the extremely rare top value of 50 grana on cover (Lot 5675, starting price CHF 20,000).
Another very unusual specialised collection comes up for auction with the Gregory Frantz "Stamp Issuing Steamship Companies" collection. It includes all the private steamship lines that issued privately produced stamps for mail carried on their ships. The many small shipping lines on the thousands of lakes and the coast of Finland offer great variety, often in combination with state stamps. An example is the ‘Skärgards Trafik Aktiebolag’ (STAB) cover with the private bicoloured 25 penni ship’s stamp for delivery within Finland by the private shipping line, in combination with the Finnish state-issue 5 penni and 20 penni for onward transmission to Frankfurt (Lot 6069, starting price CHF 1,000).
Switzerland is also represented again with an outstanding range of material. This includes a postal history collection "Franco-Prussian War - Impact on Swiss Postal History 1866-1871". The presentation in the auction catalogue combined with historical background information is unique and is likely to set new standards for philatelic auctions. One could almost speak of a milestone of philately, on its way to being recognised as an additional historical science. A ‘must’ for every philatelist interested in history!
However, the second part of the ERIVAN collection is undoubtedly outstanding in its Swiss material. The collection of the former Tengelmann entrepreneur Erivan Haub contains the greatest rarities of Swiss philately. Now the famous registered cover from the "Notariat Greifensee" comes up for sale. Franked with Switzerland’s first two stamps, the Zurich 4 and Zurich 6, it is for many the "non plus ultra" of Swiss rarities in private hands. The provenance of the item goes back to 1900 when, in the collection of the then President of the Banque de France, Paul Mirabaud, the cover caused a sensation at the Paris Exposition. It later found its way into the collections of Diem-Saxer of St. Gallen (1934), the Swiss shoe magnate Iwan Bally (1964), and then the ‘HELVETICUS’ collection (1991) before finding a new home in the collection of Erivan Haub for almost 30 years. The starting price of the Greifensee cover being offered as Lot 7003 is CHF 300,000.
All the material being offered can be viewed at www.corinphila.ch.
Further information and catalogue orders at: Corinphila Auktionen AG, Wiesenstrasse 8, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland, Telephone + 41 (0)44 389 9191, Fax + 41 (0)44 389 9195, Email: [email protected]
Brazil 1844, “Goat’s Eye” 600 reis in an unused pair with the best provenance: Maurice Burrus collection (1964)
Ecuador 1865, a pair of the 1 real green on a registered cover. Only two registered covers of the first issue are known. Top cover from the Ackermann (1937), Homan (c. 1960) and E.M. de Bustamante (1996) collections.
Peru 1870, 5 centavos ‘Trencito’ in a strip of five with the fourth stamp showing the paper join.
France 1849, 20 centimes, a rare tête-bêche pair on cover.
Sicily 1859, four-colour franking with 50 grana top value to Genoa.
Finland 1880, private ship’s stamp in combination with stamps of the state Post Office on cover to Frankfurt.
Zurich 1843, registered cover from the Greifensee notary’s office with the first two stamps of Switzerland.
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Lot #1141 - europe Austria
1850/1922: Teilsammlung mit besseren Werten und Serien gest./ungest. inkl. Ausgaben für Lombardei-Venezien und Levante, dabei kleine Studie zu Zeitungsmarken ab blauem Merkur (12) mit Verwendungen auf Schleife, erste bis fünfte Markenausgabe auf Brief oder Teilbrief mit besseren Stp. und einem 3 Kr. schwarz im waagr. Dreierstreifen auf Brst., 1867 50 Kr. und Soldi Währung im groben und feinen Druck, diverse Portomarkenausgaben bis hin zu...
Lot #1142 - europe Austria
1850/1981: Sammlung auf Safe-Albumblättern mit besseren Werten und Serien gest., ab 1918 in den Serien ungest. und meist komplett gesammelt, mit vielen guten Serien wie 80. Geburtstag Kaiser Franz Josef (1910) ungest., Komponisten (1922), Rotarier (1931), Fis I und II, zwei WIPA-Marken, Wiener Aushilfausgaben und Portomarken, dazu eine Sammlung Bosnien und Herzegowina (1893/1918) sowie kl. Sammlung der Feldpostausgaben (1915/18).
Lot #1143 - europe Austria
1850/2000: Sammlung tausender gest./ungest. Marken ohne Spitzen, die Ausgaben ab 1960 mehrfach vorhanden, z. T. in Viererblocks, weiterhin Sonderstempel auf Briefstücken, einige Postkarten und Briefe aus der Bedarfspost ab der Monarchie, sowie FDCs, in zehn Alben.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1144 - europe Austria
1867: Privatausgabe Leitmeritz, Auswahl von 15 Marken der Werte von 5 bis 25 Kr. der Express-Compagnie Ed. A. Hofer in Leitmeritz, sauber aufgezogen und beschrieben in einer kleinen Sammlung. Der Status dieser Marken ist umstritten. Dem Los liegen zwei Artikel in tschechischer Sprache aus dem Jahr 1979 bei.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1145 - europe Austria
1890/1990: Lot mit einigen Hundert Marken gest./ungest. oder in posfr. Erhaltung dabei ein paar bessere Werte wie Grazer- und Gitter-Aufdrucke, ein paar Viererblocks, Portomarken, Lokalausgaben, Dubletten und anderes mehr, vorab in guter Erhaltung, in zwei Einsteckbüchern und lose auf Albumblättern.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1146 - europe Austria
1945/88: Sammlung mit einigen Hundert Marken ungest. resp. in postfr. Erhaltung, dabei kompl. Serien Gitteraufdrucke und 'Grazer'-Aufdrucke (Attest Soecknick (2020) für die vier hohen Werte), Portomarken und Gedenkblocks, dazu ein paar gest. Dubletten ab 1850, in zwei Alben.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1147 - europe Austria
1850/71: Posten 15 Briefe, dabei acht Briefe frankiert mit erster Ausgabe, vorwiegend gut bis breitrandig, zweite. Ausg. 5 Kr. rot (2) auf Brief von Dornbirn nach Bozen (1861), fünfte Ausg. 15 Kr. grob gez. auf R-Briefhülle von Neutitschein (Nový Jičín) Mähren nach Frankfurt a. M. (1866) sowie vier 15 Kr. GS-Umschläge, davon jeweils einer mit Fingerhutstp. von ZURAWICA und einmal von KRAKAU BAHNHOF (1871), bezw. L2 Datumsstp. von GORLICE (...
Lot #1148 - europe Austria
1858/90: Lot 16 Belege aus dem Trento, Dalmatien und Triest, dabei 1890 Kartenbrief mit Wertstp. Doppeladler 3 Kr. mit bildgleicher Zusatzfrankatur zu 2 Kr. braun (2) und 3 Kr. mattgrün im UPU-Tarif von Arco an das Generalkonsulat in Genua, 1864 Drucksache 2 Kr. in Triest, Italienporto 21 Kr. auf Briefhülle mit Mischfrankatur 1863 15 Kr. und Paar 1864 3 Kr., 1864 Ganzsachen-Umschlag 5 Kr. von Zara nach Ragusa, Juli 1861 Faltbrief Triest nach...
Lot #1149 - europe Austria
1913/54: Auswahl 23 Briefe / Formulare, dabei 1933 FIS-Wetkämpfe kompl. Satz auf Postkarte mit Sonderstp., 1937 Dollfuss auf Ortsbrief Kufstein, 1936 FIS-Wettkämpfe Satzbrief (2), 1935 & 1937 Satzbriefe Berühmte Persönlichkeiten, zwei Begleitadressen 1913/14 von Beyrouth resp. Tripoli nach New York, weiterhin Satzbriefe der Nachkriegszeit.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1150 - europe Bosnia Republic
1879/1918: Spezialsammlung mit einigen Hundert Marken get./ungest., dabei Zähnungsvarianten, geschnittene Marken, Farbnuancen, Viererblocks, Bogenteile, kompl. Serien, Briefstücke, Feldpost, Portomarken, Abarten, Briefe, Karten, Ganzsachen und anderes mehr, vorab in guter Erhaltung, in zwei Schaubek-Alben.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1151 - europe austrian levant
Early Levant Mail 1480 (Nov. 27): Superb early entire letter from Gallipoli to Pera, clearly dated merchant's letter, fresh and very fine. Note: The Ottoman Turks had largely overrun the Eastern Byzantine Empire and expelled the Seljuk Turks by 1460. They encouraged foreign merchants to settle and continue trading with the West from their enclaves in Galata, Pera and the Black Sea area.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1152 - europe austrian levant
Early Levant Mail 1485 (June 14): Early entire letter from Aleppo to Tripoli, Syria, clearly dated merchant's letter written on twenty lines, scarce and fine.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1153 - europe austrian levant
Early Levant Mail 1508 (Nov. 26): Entire letter from Damascus to Venice addressed to Noble M(agnifi)co ett Dill(ustrissimo) D(omin)o Ludovicho Priollo in Veneghie (Venice) with attractive merchant's sign and "Sia R(egistr)ta" on front and receiver note (March, 1509 on reverse. Fresh and fine, written in "mercantesca" concerning trading activities in the Middle East, in particular to purchase ginger, which should be delivered as fast as...
Lot #1154 - europe austrian levant
Early Levant Mail 1549 (Nov.6): Entire letter from Aleppo to Venice, probably mailed overland via Alexandrette to Constantinople, written in "mercantesca" and is a copy (noted: Copia) of another letter to the same addressee using another routing. Ex Paolo Vollmeier
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1155 - europe austrian levant
1837 (Dec. 18): 'AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO ANCONA' oval framed handstamp in black Tchilinghirian fig. 457 on entire letter to Corfu with arrival mark on front. Slighty toned with file away from the marking. A rare cancellation from Papal State Marche.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1156 - europe austrian levant
Austrian Post Offices in Moldavia 1840 (May 22): Entire letter from Galatz to Trieste struck with straight line GALACZ handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian unlisted). Disinfected with rastel punches on arrival (docketed 'RH25' on reverse) and rated '12+3+6' kreuzers due in manuscript. Reverse with Triest arrival cds in red (April 9). A fine entire.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1157 - europe austrian levant
Crimean War occupation of Moldavia and Valachia 1856 (May 28): Entire letter accompanying a parcel from Focsani to Rustchuk, Bulgaria, front with Fieldpost "K.K. FELDPOSTAMT 3e Ae Cs 28/5" cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 737) and FRANCO, crossed pen strike showing full prepayment, reverse with transit "BUKAREST 5/6" cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 713). An unusual usage.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1158 - europe austrian levant
1859 (Feb 19): Fully prepaid cover from Bucharest to Clermont-Ferrand, front with "BUCAREST 19/2" cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 713), oval FRANCO as well as "P.D." in red, reverse with Paris transit and arrival cds's (Feb 27). Punched for desinfection, a fine cover.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1159 - europe austrian levant
Incoming 1864c: Unpaid cover from Marseille to Port Lagos with the Austrian Lloyd, obverse showing "IN DEN DARDANELLEN 5/5" transit cds (Tranmer fig. 4) and 'T' as well as "LLOYD AGENZIE LAGOS 5/5" arrival cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 953) in red. Creased and edge wear, but a scarce usage, these datestamps were introduced together with the usage of the Arms definitives in the Levant.
Catalogue 257: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
Lot #1160 - europe austrian levant
1866 (July 28): Unpaid Entire letter from Bucharest to Vienna, front with "BUCAREST 28/7" cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 714) and "NACH ABGANG DER POST.", reverse with red Vienna arrival datestamp (Aug. 3). Taxed upon arrival with '15' (kr.). Vertical file fold not disturbing this fine and fresh entire. Cert. Ferchenbauer (2013).rnNote : Between January and October 1866, the rates within Austria had been unified to 5 kreuzer, while the rates from...
Lot #1161 - europe austrian levant
Crimean War 1856 (Aug 31): Retour-Rezepisse for a registered cover from the Austrian Fieldpost Office in Craiova to Bucharest, the receipt returned to Craiova, bearing 6 kr. brown type III, a fresh and fine adhesive with fair to large margins, tied first by "K.K. ÖST. F.P. KRAJOVA 31/8" cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 735). Upon arrival and after signature of the addressee the stamp was again tied by "BUKAREST 3/9" cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 713) with...
Lot #1162 - europe austrian levant
Austrian occupation of Moldavia and Walachia during the Crimean War 1856 (Sept 16): Cover from the Field Post Office in Craiova, Romania to Vienna bearing 1850/54 6 kr. brown and 9 kr. blue, fresh colours and good to large margins all round, tied by Fieldpost "K.K. ÖST. F.P. KRAJOVA 16/9" (Tchilinghirian fig. 735) cds. Reverse with Quarantine "gereinigt b. k.k. Rastelamte ALT-ORSOVA 17 / 9 1856" cachet in black, Temesvar transit and Vienna...
Lot #1163 - europe austrian levant
1863 Coat of Arms 2 kr. yellow, perf. 14 used on February 1869 pre-printed entire letter sent at printed matter rate to Braila showing Austrian P.O. arrival mark on reverse, together with an April 1869 second letter, to the same addressee, franked with both 2 kr. perf. 14 and 2 kr. perf. 9½, both covers tied by the "Lloyd Agenzie - Constantinopoli" datestamps. Second cover cancelled April 10 and backstamped by "Braila 12/4 Sera" cds, the...
Lot #1164 - europe austrian levant
1866 (May 27): Entire letter from Bucharest to Naples bearing two single adhesives of 1863 3 s. green perf. 14 in mixed franking with 1864 10 s. blue perf. 9½, a single and a pair, tied by BUCAREST cds's (Tchilinghirian fig. 714) in black, "P.D." alongside. Reverse with transit WIEN datestamp in black (May 31) as well as NAPOLI arrival cds (June 5) and distribution cachet. Some patina on cover and stamps, the stamps in fine shape, in additon...
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More