1900-50s a group of China Imperial , ROC Post and Liberated Area issues,on 8 stock cards,mainly mint Liberated Area issues, many with toning. VF-F.
The 2022 Winter Auction - 339th Auction Day 2
By: John Bull Stamp Auctions
John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2022 Winter Auction - 339th Auction Day 2
December 18, 2022
The People's Republic of China & Liberated Areas Stamps and Postal History - Part 1
3001 - 4070
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Lot #3001 - Main catalogue
Lot #3002 - Main catalogue
1940s-50s an album of 900+ Liberated Area odd value stamps,mostly unused. Large quantity. Please view.
Lot #3003A - Main catalogue
1938 Shansi, Chahar and Hopeh Area White Full Sun issue Brown Paper 1c with top margin (Yang NC3),unused without gum as issued. Never hinged. Very Fine.
Lot #3003 - Main catalogue
1946 North China Bird on Globe issue x 5 mint and used, 1949 South Shensi Chairman issue $300 used, 1949 Sinkiang handsurch People's Post unused set (Yang NW68, 92, 93),hinged. VF-F.
Lot #3004 - Main catalogue
1947 Small size Victory issue machine surch $500 on $40, 1948 Ki-Tung Area, Military Post Office hand-surch $100 on $2, $100 on $3, $100 on $20 and (Yang NC64, 93, 94, 97),mint hinged. VF-F.
1947年小型抗戰勝利紀念機蓋暫作500元、1948年加蓋冀察熱遼2元、3元及20元手蓋改作100元新票各一枚(楊目NC64, 93, 94, 97),背貼上品。
Lot #3005 - Main catalogue
1948 Chinsui Border Area Ploughing Farmer issue complete set plus surch issue x 10,hinged. VF-F.
Lot #3006 - Main catalogue
1949 (Jan 30) Chinese style cover from Tangshan to Tientsin,f.w. SYS surch East Hopeh $3000 on $500, tied by Hopeh Tangshan cds. On reverse with Tientsin arrival. Cover stained. F-VF.
Lot #3007 - Main catalogue
1942 Shantung 2nd War Time Post 1c, 2c & 5c (Type B) (Yang EC5, 7, 8b),all unused. Hinged. V-F.
1942年山東戰郵第二版無齒方形票1分、2分和5分(Type B)新票各一枚。背貼上品。
Lot #3008 - Main catalogue
1942 & 45 East China Liberated Area Chiao-Tung Area ovpt. stamps x 3 and Surch. "Temporary Used For" $5 on 5c,all unused. Hinged. VF.
Lot #3009 - Main catalogue
1945-49 a grpup of 14 Shantung War Time Post and Bo Hai Post Chu Teh issue,all unused, mostly hinged. VF-F.
Lot #3010 - Main catalogue
1945 Shantugn War Time Post 7th Congress of CPC commemorative issue 5c Green (Yang EC61),used with red postmark. VF-F.
Lot #3011 - Main catalogue
1944-46 East China Liberated Area Shantung War Post Mao Portrait issue x 5,all unused. Hinged. VF-F.
Lot #3012 - Main catalogue
1944-47 East China Liberated Area Shantung War Post Mao Portrait surch. issue x 7,all unused. Hinged. VF-F.
Lot #3013 - Main catalogue
1946 Shantung Liberated Area Chiaotung Martyrs Monument issue complete set (EC85-89),plus one impef $1. All unused without gum as issued. Slightly hinged. $20 with inscriptions on reverse. VF-F.
Lot #3014 - Main catalogue
1947-49 Shantung Liberated Area Martyrs Tower handstamped "Temporary Use For" lot of 7,including 6 mint stamps and one used stamp with inverted surch. variety. VF-F.
Lot #3015 - Main catalogue
1945 Suchung 1st Print 10c, 20c, 40c on 25c and 40c on 30c (Yang EC283-286),unused without gum as issued. Hinged. VF-F.
Lot #3016 - Main catalogue
1945 Suchung 2nd Print 10c used and 40c on 25c unused (Yang EC287, 289),hinged. VF-F.
1945年蘇中第二版有面值票1角舊票及2角5分改4角新票各一枚(楊目EC287, 289),背貼上品。
Lot #3017 - Main catalogue
1946 Central China Anti-Japanese Currency stamps with "Xuaxhung" and red characters 10c Pigeon, 10c Junk and 20c Warship (Yang EC304-306),mint hinged. VF-F.
Lot #3018 - Main catalogue
1946 Suwan Border Area Train issue $1, surch "Central China Liberation Area" $100 on 50c, $200 on $1, 1947 Bohai Post issue Chairman Mao "East China Liberation Area" complete set, surch "Bo" $500,hinged. VF-F.
Lot #3019 - Main catalogue
1946 Su-Wan Border Area Mao Portrait 10c x 2 (blue and brown) and 1949 Nantung Print Chairman Mao issue complete set (Yang EC310, 314, EC345-350),all unused, mostly hinged. VF-F.
Lot #3020 - Main catalogue
1949 Liuan handsurch "Temporarily Use for 5c / West Anhwei Liberation Area" on SYS Gold Yuan 1/2c on $500, 4c on $1 and 10c on 25c (Yang ECL6-8),unused without gum as issued. Slightly hinged. VF-F. Very rare.
Lot #3021 - Main catalogue
1940s a group of 6 North East Liberated Area issued,mint hinged. VF-F.
Lot #3022 - Main catalogue
1947 10th Anniv Outbreak of War with Japan S/S uncut printer essay,printed on local newspaper. On reverse printed with some values. Some text omitted while some images were inverted. Showcasing omitted, inverted variety and double-side printing on one example. Extremely rare item. Stained. F-VF.
Lot #3023 - Main catalogue
1946 (Dec 1) Ye Ta Yang Hong cover f.w. Northeast Area Chairman Mao imperf $10 block of 4 (Yang NE4),tied by Harbin Japanese style cds. Stamps toned. F-VF.
Lot #3024 - Main catalogue
1947 Sheung Chi to Harbin registered cover,f.w. North East Area Mao Portrait surch. $10 x 9 on reverse, tied by Chuho cds. VF-F.